How do we involve our service users & carers?

Here are some of the ideas you put forward at the Bedfordshire and Luton QI launch to help us ensure service user and carer involvement is at the heart of the QI work we take forward across the directorate…

“Arrange open days for service users and carer and promote widely”

“Share more of the success stories”

“Actively include service users on the forums at start of projects”

“Meaningful and accessible communications through user forums “

“Develop 2 way communication channel”

“QI training opportunities for service users”

“Don’t forget families and carers!”

“More Service user and carer events like the conference”

“Involve service users from across all services”

“Be prepared to listen to good stories as well as bad”

“Communicate the benefits on being involved to service users”

“Perspective shift / co-production“

“Training to improve confidence in participation”


“Have support forums for service users”

“Give everyone a voice”

“Have service user leads for QI projects”

“Make the involvement meaningful”

“Keep it simple and relevant”

“Keep service users up to date on what’s happening”

“Share performance data on wards so service users and families can see”

“Have an encouraging and supportive approach”

“Be aware of CYP availability to attend events (not during day in term time)”

“Advertise and promote events to service users”

“Raise awareness and increase support amongst all staff for user participation”

“Acknowledge that user participation is a right for all service users and that it can be extremely beneficial alongside therapy”

“Ensure Recovery College promotes ownership from service users and carers, so they have understanding of audits and QI”

“Hold regular focus groups and surveys”

“Ensure lots of different service users not all same people same time”

“Use social media to promote events / participation needed”

“Involve service users to identify where improvements are needed”

Our Patient participation leads for Bedfordshire and Luton will be helping us shape user voice and input, so if you have any further ideas, do discuss them in your local service teams, and / or contact us at


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