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Implementing Changes

If you are seeing successful and sustained improvement following your testing of ideas, now is the time to start to thinking about making successful change ideas part of business as usual. This helps to hold the gains from your improvement work and create a shared understanding of new ways of working that have been developed from the improvement effort. This is often where you go from a small team who are testing change ideas, to a wider team where you are now testing how to embed changes in your teams working.

To help you make changes business as usual, there are 6 key steps to supporting successful implementation:

1. Standardisation

Establish specific practices and ways of working

2. Documentation

Detail how the new procedures and practices will work including who is responsible for doing what

3. Measurement

Have a way of knowing over time whether performance is maintained

4. Staff Education, Training/Induction Processes

Think about how and where you will educate the staff on how to use the new change

5. Managing resource implications

Will new equipment, training, etc, need to be purchased to make the change business as usual

6. Addressing social dimension of change

Think about the human factors/psychology associated with change

Implementation and Holding the Gains

How do we ensure we hold the gains of improvement work through effective management of implementation?

Not sure how to move to the next stage if you’ve got a high believe your change idea is working? Unsure about the difference between the testing and implementation phase? Watch this video, in which Jen Taylor-Watt, one of our QI Leads, answers these questions.

The first 10 minutes of the video is an explanation of the theory and the last 12 minutes provides examples from the Tower Hamlets Violence Collaborative.

The Sequence Of Improvement


Testing Vs Implementation

Testing – Trying and adapting existing knowledge on small scale. Learning what works in your system.

Implementation – Making this change a part of the day-to-day operation of the system

The key test of how embedded your changes is: How confident are you the change would persist even if you/your leads were away for a month?

To help you with testing for implementation, please use the resource below.

How to Improve

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