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Improvement Leaders’ Programme

Improvement is not easy to achieve in complex systems like healthcare. We want to equip staff, service users, and carers with the tools and skills to make sustainable change in their services. Project teams from both clinical and non-clinical spaces will come together to tackle wicked problems affecting their services and communities.

ELFT’s Improvement Leaders’ Programme is a year long programme that supports teams to identify and solve their most complex issue each year. Within 3 to 4 months of starting the programme teams will have formed, chosen their issue to work on, and started to design their improvement project with support from Improvement Advisors.  The in person workshop days support participants to learn and apply the QI method and tools to solving this issue by April 2026.

We encourage two or three members of project teams to join together to work on a complex problem that matters to them.

The Improvement Leaders’ Programme is now fully accredited by the CPD Standards Office! On completion of this five-day course, you will be accredited with certified 25 hours towards continuous professional development (CPD).


Who should attend?

  • Any staff member of any level involved in or leading a QI project
  • Any service user or carer who is involved in a QI project

Learning Goals

  • Develop your skills in leading improvement work
  • Achieve results in your improvement work by:
    • Understanding the problem you are trying to solve
    • Developing aim statements and driver diagrams
    • Measuring data for improvement
    • Using Plan Do Study Act cycles to test change ideas
    • Learn how to turn successful ideas into business as usual
  • Build your network with like minded improvers across the organisation and beyond.

What do you need to join the programme?

  • All participants must have a QI project which supports their strategic priorities.
  • Participants need to have approval from their line manager to attend.
  • Participants need to be able to commit to attending all five in person training days.

What is the programme length and structure?

  • Total programme length is one year, with five full days of in person workshops.
  • The programme runs once a year.

Hear from previous participants

Over 1,500 staff, service users, and carers have completed the Improvement Leaders’ Programme and are now part of our improvement community at ELFT, leading change across the organisation.

Hear more about the impact being part of the programme has had on colleagues by watching the videos below:


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