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Carlos Santos

Improvement Advisor - Primary Care & Specialist Services (Addictions)

Carlos Santos is an Improvement Advisor in the Quality Improvement department, supporting our Primary Care and Specialist Services (Addictions) directorates.

Carlos first joined the Trust in 2017 as a Community Psychiatric Nurse and one of the Improvement Leads for Newham. He has worked in a range of health and care settings, including forensic, community and hospital-based services. Carlos grew up in Brazil and previously studied History, Education, Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Mind at University of Sao Paulo (1998-2004), having taught and lectured several subjects in History, Philosophy and Humanities since.

Carlos has been researching Mental Health in the UK since 2009. He was a Research Collaborator with the WHO Collaborating Centre for Mental Health Services Development, developing and evaluating innovative interventions in Healthcare and conducting research on social interactions (“what happens between people”).

Carlos is a lover of music (particularly Rock, Prog and Metal), loves playing musical instruments, and can never resist an invitation for coffee and good conversation.

You will know more about Carlos on and at

An Improvement Advisor role involves:

  • Extra support for those projects working
    on one of the Trust priority workstreams
  • Expertise in improvement methods and tools

Their responsibilities are:

  • Attending and help coordinate the monthly directorate QI forums
  • Teaching staff and service users & carers in improvement methods and tools
  • Strategic support for directorate in defining improvement priorities, aligning QI work, building capability
  • Regular supervision sessions in each directorate with QI coaches
  • Alert clinical/service director and sponsors of projects that are not progressing or where support structure is weak

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