ELFT Hosts The IHI Summer Camp
What was it?
As a strategic partner of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), ELFT recently hosted the IHI Summer Camp. During this annual 3 day event, IHI’s international strategic partners come together to share and develop their approaches to QI. ELFT prepared an agenda based around the integration of Mental and Physical Health; and Creativity and Service User involvement.
Our 45 guests from Scotland, Sweden, Denmark, Singapore, Qatar, New Zealand and USA visited various sites, both within the Trust and across local healthcare partners.
Where did they visit and who did they hear from?
ELFT also hosted a session focused on working together with service users and community partners, bringing together organisations such as Crisis House, Nu Leaf Enterprises, Recovery College and Alzheimer’s Society.
Guests attended the ELFT Wellbeing games; hearing from local leaders who work together to coordinate a range of physical and mental health initiatives across East London.
Summer Camp participants also participated in a creative learning workshop entitled “What can Healthcare Improvement learn from contemporary approaches to Leadership in the Arts?” Watch the video below to hear the results of the workshop!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl2Hmw84mWs&w=640&h=360]
What did our guests say?
Having visited various services, our guests reflected on their 3 days with us and were particularly struck by the innovative models of care seen throughout the Trust, and the work in partnership with third party organisations. They saw the commitment and enthusiasm of our staff in delivering high quality, effective services to patients and how readily our service users and carers were involved in making the care we provide of the highest quality.
Our guests reflections and take-away messages are shown below:
The QI Team at ELFT would like to thank all staff, service users and carers, and our partner organisations who welcomed our IHI Summer Camp guests to their services and presented their innovative work to our guests. We could not have done this without you! You made the event so memorable and successful!