ELFT provides second virtual training and coaching session for ‘Fast Track Cities’ Quality Improvement Collaborative to reach ‘zero’ HIV infections by 2030
By Doranne McDonald and Marco Aurelio, Improvement Advisors
ELFT, in collaboration with Healthy London Partnership (HLP), is supporting a quality improvement collaborative of 12 projects from voluntary and healthcare organisations across London, seeking to reduce HIV infections to ‘zero’ by 2030.
Organisations part of the collaborative include:
In April, 2020, the first virtual coaching session was held with teams involved in the quality improvement collaborative, and they were able to share successes and challenges that they had experienced. Read what happened here, and more about the programme here. After the success of the first training session held earlier in the year, a second virtual training session was held at the end of May.
Using WebEx, ELFT and HLP welcomed 32 participants, from 12 organisations involved in the Quality Improvement Collaborative to reach zero infections by 2030, to a training and coaching session. As the previous session had focused on the development of the ‘aim statements’ and ‘driver diagrams’ for their respective projects, this session focused on training teams how to test change ideas using Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycles, and develop their family of measures.
Figure 1. Driver Diagram from ‘Living Well’s’ loneliness project
After the training was complete, the teams were divided into three groups, and each group entered three separate virtual breakout rooms, created using ‘WebEex’. Each of the three groups were allocated an Improvement Advisor, who facilitated discussions regarding the progression of the various projects in their group. This also provided a space for the different teams to share ideas with one another. Several teams shared how they had had to change their delivery models to deal with the onset of COVID-19, as well as the challenges with working across sectors that were actively involved in supporting those acutely ill with the virus.
An important part of the learning process for the Improvement team was hearing the feedback from participants after the training session. This helped celebrate what had gone well, but also reflect on areas for improvement next time. The following comments were made after the training session:
Despite the challenges of COVID-19, it was great to see the dedication of those involved. The next challenge for the teams is to begin thinking about how they will test their change ideas. The next coaching session is scheduled for 1 July, 2020, and in the meantime, the teams will present their progress so far for discussion at the next session.