Join us for this special masterclass event in Bedfordshire on key ingredients for successful quality improvement.

We’ll be joined by Dr Amar Shah, associate medical director for quality at ELFT, who has led the Trust’s quality improvement work from its inception in 2012/13 through to now. The masterclass will help us learn together about the key ingredients for successful improvement work within our team, and also help us look at the wider system in Bedfordshire and Luton in order to understand the key factors needed to develop a sustainable culture of continuous improvement.

Our venue is The Rufus Centre in Flitwick, accessible by train from Bedford, Luton and London, and parking is available for all delegates.

Refreshments will be available. Join us by signing up below!

This session will start at 1.30pm. There is also a Pocket QI session running at the same venue in the morning, so feel free to combine both into a whole day of QI!