27 September 2022

How Newham CAMHS are improving flow in their system to reduce waiting times for young people

By Carole Green, Improvement Advisor, ELFT QI 

In this short 5 minute video you can hear how Newham CAMHS are using QI to improve flow in their system. General Manager Fiona Stockley shares what the team are working on and why it’s important, how they have been using some simple tools to understand their system and what ideas they have to tackle flow. 

Challenges around flow in your system? We have lots of resources available to support your service to optimise flow, demand and capacity available on our microsite. Have a look at our pages on flow diagrams which may be referred to as process mapping and explore the Optimising Flow, Demand and Capacity Driver Diagram, it may give you some ideas you could use. Get in touch with your local Improvement Advisor for more support around how to get started! 

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