ImproveWell Resources

ImproveWell is a digital engagement solution for improvement in healthcare. ImproveWell provides continuous, real-time insight for organisations to improve staff experience by gathering instant feedback and allowing you to make data-driven decisions.

ImproveWell has three feedback systems that empower staff to contribute and stay engaged in improvement work. They are:

• Collecting improvement ideas for any improvement work
• Creating and sharing surveys with staff or service users
• Collecting the ‘Good Day Measure’ which measures staff satisfaction

The three systems allow frontline staff to have their say and drive change. Sharing improvement ideas allows all team members to have their say and suggest ideas for improvement in their area of work. With surveys, team leads can gather targeted feedback on what really matters to their staff and service users, utilising the feedback to make changes that benefit all. Team leads can also measure staff morale and well-being with the ‘Good Day Measure’ asking how their day is going.

Before you can start using ImproveWell, we would need to set up your team and provide you with codes for ease of sign-up.

Please contact for more information and support regarding this.


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