Pocket QI

Introduction to QI for ELFT staff, service users and carers involved in QI or wanting to learn core QI skills.

Our Pocket QI Course is now fully accredited by the CPD Standards Office! On completion of this one day workshop, you will be accredited with certified 6 hours towards continuous professional development (CPD).

This is an interactive easy to follow introduction to some of the concepts and methods of QI. Join our team of Improvement Advisors who will take you through the fundamentals of QI and how you can apply the methodology to your personal and professional life.

How to book:

We teach at least one cohort of Pocket QI every month. Please see below for information on how to sign up.

Who is it suitable for?

  • ELFT staff, service users, carers, and volunteers, booked using the form below.

What is covered?

  • Overview of Quality Improvement Methodology
  • Developing measures and using data for improvement
  • Testing and using PDSA (Plan Do Study Act) cycles
  • Application of commonly used Quality Improvement Tools

2024 dates

ELFT staff

We’re pleased to announce that Pocket QI has been added onto the ELFT Learning Academy (ELA). ELFT staff can log into ELA to register for 2024 dates.

ELFT service users and carers

ELFT service users and carers can sign up for Pocket QI dates in 2024 by using this form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at elft.qi@nhs.net.

2024 Pocket QI Dates

Please find the full list of 2024 dates below.

Upcoming training

Improvement Leaders Programme – Wave 14
17 Oct 2024 - 29 Apr 2025

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