Quality Consultation – Phase 2
Phase 2 of the Quality Consultation clinic is underway. Mohammad Ramjany sat down with us to tell us about how QI Coaches at Corporate have been experimenting with different ways of supporting improvement work.
“We started off the Quality Consultation on 25th November 2019, it was a test to see whether we could support staff working within the corporate setting.
The idea behind the clinic is that we help those who have an issue or are stuck on a problem. As corporate coaches, we can support them using quality improvement tools/methods before screening them and making them into a QI project.
Phase 1 started off with allowing people to come to a designated place to discuss such issues. While we didn’t quite get the results we wanted, we expected it and were in planning stages of phase 2 already; reaching out to the people and raising awareness of the tools available to support them… We aim to go into Phase 2 by end of Jan”