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Enjoying Work Cohort 3 Learning Set 1

We hope you were encouraged by our learning session on 10 September 2019 to aid you along your journey towards helping your team enjoy their work.



Here are some useful resources:

Please click on the titles below to reveal more…

    Here are the things you need to do over the next 4 weeks:

    • Run an Appreciative Enquiry within the next few weeks. You can find the instructions here >>
    • Start collecting daily baseline data using Good Day Measure. Daily until 8th October 2019, weekly thereafter. You can change the time of the reminder by following these steps >>
    • Encourage your team to complete the Pulse Survey. This will be pushed out through the ImproveWell app by the QI Team on 23rd September and will close on 8th October 2019. Thereafter you can decide which questions to use and how often.
    • Register your project on Life QI then get the help of your QI Coach to create an Aim and Driver Diagram from what you learn from the above activities.
    • Test at least one change idea by 8th Hint – Focus on quick wins that come from the above activities.
    • Select up to 3 people from your team to come to the next learning set on 10th October 2019


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