Enjoying Work Cohort 3 Learning Set 4, Enjoying Work Cohort 3,Category
ELFT, Team workingTags
Enjoying WorkEnjoying Work Cohort 3 Learning Set 3
We hope you were encouraged by our learning session on 10 November 2019 to aid you along your journey towards helping your team enjoy their work.
Here are some useful resources:
Please click on the titles below to reveal more…
Here are the things you need to do over the next 4 weeks:
- Make sure you are collecting and recording your measures on LifeQI
- Move to weekly collection of the good day measure
- Consider using questions from the pulse survey alongside your Good Day Measure as part of you measurement system
- Create an aim and driver diagram for your project based on the results of your Appreciative Enquiry and pulse survey
- Create a Kanban board or similar so that your teams can see what you plan to test, what you are testing & data
- Plan to test at least 2 change ideas between now and the next learning set, make sure these are recorded on LifeQI
- Bring your laptops to the next learning set, Wednesday 4th December, 14:00-16:00
Enjoying Work Cohort 3