ELFT Published QI Projects,Category
Academic Papers, ELFT, Patient SafetyTags
Amar Shah, BMJ Open Quality, Day Njovana, Nynn-Hui Chang, Owen P O'Sullivan, Phillip BakerQuality improvement in forensic mental health: the East London forensic violence reduction collaborative
Ward-based violence is the most significant cause of reported safety incidents at East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT). It impacts on patient and staff safety, well-being, clinical care and the broader hospital community in various direct and indirect ways. The contributing factors are varied and complex. Several factors differentiate the forensic setting, which has been identified as a particularly stressful work environment. Staff must constantly balance addressing therapeutic needs with robust risk management in a complex patient cohort. ELFT identified reducing inpatient physical violence on mental health wards as a major quality improvement (QI) priority. The aim was to use a QI methodology to reduce incidents of inpatient violence and aggression across two secure hospital sites by at least 30% between July 2016 and March 2018. Collaborative learning was central to this project. It sought to foster a culture of openness within the organisation around violence and to support service users and staff to work together to understand and address it.
A QI methodology was applied in medium and low secure inpatient settings. A change bundle was tested for effectiveness, which included: safety huddles, safety crosses and weekly community safety discussions. Operational definitions for non-physical violence, physical violence and sexual harassment were developed and used. Reductions of 8% and 16.6% in rates of physical and non-physical violent incidents, respectively, were achieved and sustained. Compared with baseline, this equated to one less incident of physical and 17 less of non-physical violence per week averaged across seven wards. Three wards achieved at least a 30% reduction in incidents of physical violence per week. Five wards achieved at least a 30% reduction in incidents of non-physical violence per week. This collaborative brought significant improvements and a cultural shift towards openness around inpatient violence.
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