Identifying A Quality Issue, Identifying a quality issue,Category
Coaching, ToolsTags
BMJ, Craig M. Froehle, Heather C kaplan, Lloyd P. Provost, MUSIQ, Pete A. MargolisThe Model for Understanding Success in Quality (MUSIQ)
There are lots of factors to do with the context in which you work that will impact on the viability of your quality improvement project. These factors can be grouped in several broad categories: the team working on the project, the microsystem in which they function, local QI support and capacity, the organisation in which you work, and the environment external to your organisation.
The downloadable MUSIQ tool is a way for you to score factors in each domain. It can be completed as an individual team member (usually a project lead) or together with the project team. Once you have filled in the spreadsheet, it will generate a score to help you see where further support may be needed to make your quality improvement efforts more effective. The scores are explained in the tool, which also contains detailed instructions to help you use it.
After completing the MUSIQ tool, consider using this as a discussion point for a consultation with your QI coach or a senior member of staff who is encouraging you to do undertake QI work. See if they can help you find ways to target the areas of your context where preparation for QI is less well developed.
Download the MUSIQ tool in Excel here
Identifying a quality issue