You can find some helpful resources to support your QI journey by accessing the links below.
Closing a QI Project
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Ontario Spread Planner
Seven Spreadly Sins
Sponsoring an ELFT QI Project
Joining a QI Project
ELFT Spread Planner
ELFT Scale up and Spread Checklist
Improving the Physical Health Monitoring of City & Hackney Assertive outreach Service Patients (BMJ Quality)
Developing Psychological Services following Facial Trauma (BMJ Quality)
Improving physical health for people taking anti-psychotic medication in the Community Learning Disabilities Service (BMJ Quality)
Improving the safety and efficiency of nurse medication rounds through the introduction of an automated dispensing cabinet (BMJ Quality)
Improving access to competitive employment for service users in forensic psychiatric units (BMJ Quality)
Psychological Medicine in Bart’s: improving access and awareness (BMJ Quality)
Safer Wards: Reducing Violence on Older Peoples Mental Health Wards (BMJ Quality)
Getting Results at Scale
Whiteboard The PDSA Cycle Part 2
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