27 August 2024

Service User in People Participation and Quality Improvement

Peter Cozzi, service user in Bedfordshire Community Health Services, shares his journey through people participation and quality improvement.

Hello, my name is Peter and I live in Kempston, Bedford. I am a service user and have been involved in People Participation (PP) for around a year now. The PP Lead for Bedfordshire Community Health Services (BCHS) is Kamila Naseova who has been very good at, slowly and without pressure, introducing me to PP. My main involvement has been with the quarterly BCHS Newsletter, I started writing a few articles then gradually became more involved with its planning and design. At around almost a year from then, I have started to look at other areas where I feel I can contribute, and Quality Improvement (QI) is one of them. The safe and friendly environment surrounding the newsletter production has been a major factor in my decision to become more involved with PP. I really do believe that it is an excellent starting point for any service user who may want to explore PP. As service users, we may not be experts in this field and, for many, to get involved may seem a bit daunting at first. However, with gentle encouragement and support, this first step can lead to greater participation as most of us can contribute. 

Figure 1. Peter during the London 2012 Summer Olympics 

Without going into details, I have a neurological condition which left me with extreme mobility issues along with sight problems. I became involved with PP after an occupational therapist referred me to Kamila, PP lead for BCHS, for a general chat to see if there was anything I would be interested in. At first, I was very wary about getting involved, I just didn’t think it was for me, but now I wouldn’t be without it! The BCHS Newsletter is just so enjoyable to read, and I couldn’t imagine it not being there. Most service users had a completely normal life before their diagnoses and a sense of loss can be overwhelming for a long time. I was seven years into my issues before I could start to think about anything else, but the time did come that I feel ready to get involved. I am sure there are many who feel the same way. It has to be something you want to do, and not feel pressured to do. 

I have so far attended three QI forums on MS Teams and the thing that strikes me most is not only the diversity of people and various departments involved but the genuine will of everyone to make improvements to quality systems. While it is unlikely that I will come up with a game changing policy or idea, there are many areas in ELFT that can be improved due to my perspectives and experience on certain aspect of the care delivery. There are some impressive projects in the pipeline, and I have nothing but admiration for those involved in driving them. Equally, I do feel it is also important to look at the quick wins that can result from sometimes the smallest of changes. I look forward to continuing with my participation with QI as I do feel it is definitely the way forward!

Figure 2. BCHS Newsletter  

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