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A Collection of Illustrations about the Observation and Therapeutic Engagement Works in Shoreditch Ward

 8th December 2023

By seven Shoreditch Ward service users and compiled by Brenda Abrah (Specialist Occupational Therapist), Bekezela Ndiweni (Clinical Nurse Manager) and William Diaz (Improvement Advisor)

In this 5-minute read, explore seven Service Users’ (SU) thoughts and feelings, depicted through illustrations, around the observation and therapeutic engagement work on Shoreditch Ward in the Forensic directorate.

The team is involved in testing change ideas around patient safety and therapeutic engagement such as the introduction of infrared lights, door posters indicating SU preference and more recently zonal observation. As a way to explore feedback from SUs with learning disabilities, the team at Shoreditch Ward conducted a session where a SU could express their individual experience, their involvement and how they felt about the ongoing quality improvement work on the ward. Here are some of the artworks that beautifully illustrate their feedback and experience.


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