Improvements to Datix, our incident reporting system
21st March 2014
Having a system to capture safety incidents is critical in helping us learn and develop ways of making our services safer. Over time we have recognised that the current Datix system could be improved significantly to extract more value and learning, make it more relevant for certain services, and to improve the user experience.
In Autumn 2013, we consulted a range of staff, from Band 3’s and 4’s, matrons, Consultants, patients, junior doctors and management teams across a range of services to help us identify what improvements to Datix would be most valuable for our staff. Of the top nine ideas coming through, we’re pleased to say that we’re close to completing the first phase of improvements:
Feeding back to the original reporter on all actions taken about an incident (already happening)
Setting up dashboards in Datix to allow services to view trends in incidents over time (already in place)
Integrating incident data with other quality data (coming shortly with the launch of quality dashboards available to all staff from any computer)
Streamlining the incident reporting form
From 2 April, we’ll have a new incident reporting form – much simpler and shorter, with new categories of incident – streamlined, and hopefully more relevant for frontline services.
It’ll be great to hear your feedback on the improvements we’ve made to this system, and what we can do next to keep improving.