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Institute for Healthcare Improvement visit the Trust

 7th July 2014

We marked the start of our multi-year partnership with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) in June, when 3 of their senior executives visited the Trust.  In a jam packed 3 days, Derek Feeley (Executive Vice President) , Pedro Delgado (Executive Director) and Bob Lloyd (Executive Director) met with over 200 staff, patients, carers and external partners at a number of locations throughout the Trust.

IHI execs2

As our partners, the IHI will be helping us train as many staff as possible over the coming years in improvement methodology. Everyone now has access to IHI Open School, an excellent on line training resource that can also be downloaded as a free app to Apple or Android devices.   And we are just starting the first of a number of waves of face to face training sessions, designed to equip staff with the knowledge and skills required to undertake successful quality improvement projects.

But our partnership extends further than just training.  With over 25 years of improvement experience, the IHI will be providing us with practical and strategic advice to help us move closer to our mission:  to provide the highest quality mental health and community care in England by 2020.

View some short messages below from the IHI addressed to all within the Trust.

Derek Feeley, Executive Vice President, IHI

[wpvideo icWKdhRw w=450 h=253 autoplay=true html5only=true]


Pedro Delgado, Executive Director, IHI

[wpvideo YfsFgMCQ w=450 h=253 =true html5only=true]

Bob Lloyd, Executive Director, IHI

[wpvideo lwa5PijD w=450 h=253 =true html5only=true]


Find out more about Derek, Pedro and Bob on the IHI website

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