Home » Improvement Stories » Wave 1 improvement training a big success, Wave 2 details announced
Wave 1 improvement training a big success, Wave 2 details announced
1st September 2014
Find out how Wave 1 improvement delegates are getting on, and further details on signing up for the Wave 2 training starting in December 2014.
Wave 1
We made an excellent start to our multi-year QI training programme with our first wave of 3 day face to face training at the end of July. Eighty staff were also joined by patients, governors and commissioners at the Institute of Education for an action packed three days. During the training delegates learnt about continuous improvement methodology, understanding variation, PDSA cycles as well as a host of other useful tools that could be used when running improvement projects. And this was all based around delegates very own quality improvement projects.
But the training does not just stop there. Over the course of next 5 months these delegates will continue to be supported as they go about undertaking their improvement projects. Delegates will meet up virtually through a series of three Webex conference calls as well as physically at 2 further training days. This training is designed to fit around and complement actual improvement projects rather than just be theoretical.
Watch the video belowfor thoughts from some of our first wave delegates as they reflect on the training so far.
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The Wave 1 training programme will run until December 2014, watch this space for further updates!
Wave 2
Following shortly after the Wave 1 improvement training begins the training for Wave 2.
Starting on 15 December with an introductory web conference and then followed up in January with a 3 day workshop at Hackney Town Hall, 7-9 January 2015, the Wave 2 improvement training programme will run until the end of May 2015. As with Wave 1 the training will consist of a mixture of online training through the IHI Open School, interactive Web Conferences, and face-to-face workshops and learning sets.
This training is designed to support people who are running or sponsoring quality improvement projects in the Trust. So if you’ve not already done so please have a think and talk with patients and carers about how we can to improve the quality of our services and use support from this site and the QI team to start an improvement project.
For a full schedule of dates and further information on how to access the training please visit the Wave 2 improvement training microsite pageor contact the QI team. We already have a waiting list so please get in touch soon to hold a place!