23rd March 2020
On Friday the 13th March (was that a sign?) we conducted our first ‘test’ of total remote working. Little did we know then that this way of working would quickly become the norm for millions of workers across the globe. It became apparent that we would need to do a longer test. So, based on our learning from the first day we then ‘tested’ remote working for one week from the 16-20th March.
As with all improvement work we first developed our theory and asked a series of questions with predictions (Table 1.) predicting that if we used social platforms and software (‘MS teams’, ‘WebEx’ and ‘MS SharePoint’) appropriately we would be able to communicate and operate as normal.
Table 1. We asked a series of questions and made predictions
How did we do this?
We used the Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) approach which informed our learning
1st test cycle – ‘one day of remote working’
Plan: Plan the test, including the plan for collecting data
We want to work remotely for one day
We predict that the team would accept the challenge to work remotely.
Do: Run the test on a small scale
What happened?
Study: Analyse the results and compare to the predictions
Act: We can adapt, abandon, adopt – plan for our next test for week commencing 16 March 2020
Figure 1
Our 1st challenge for our daily ‘15 minutes of fun’- wearing your silliest hat to the meeting
2nd test cycle – ‘one week of remote working’
On Monday 16th March we planned and conducted our second ‘test’ of total remote working but this time for one week. Globally, more and more organisations were doing the same and there was an abundance of literature being circulated to inform remote working (we have provided some links)
Plan: Plan the test, including the plan for collecting data
We want to work remotely for one week
We predict that the team would accept the challenge to work remotely.
Do: Run the test on a small scale
What happened?
Study: Analyse the results and compare to the predictions
Act: We can adapt, abandon, adopt – using the key learnings from the test on what we can do to improve (fig 2.)
Figure 2
As we move forward continuing this unknown dynamic journey, it seems we will be continuing our remote working for some time but going forward will adopt the suggestions to improve.
The team were also asked in as few words as possible word what would you suggest to others embarking on remote working, the team said….
After works drinks ‘pub’ quiz using Pareto chart
Group exercise – Day 3 ’15 mins of fun’
Lunch portrait – Day 2 ’15 mins of fun’
18th July 2018
20th May 2019
22nd March 2016
21st January 2021
31st March 2023
18th March 2019
To keep up to date on the latest concerning QI at ELFT, follow us on our socials.