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Service Champions and KanBan boards creating Joy in Work for the SPoA Team from Community Health Bedfordshire

 21st November 2019

The Single Point of Access Team from Community Health Bedfordshire recently attended the 3rd learning set of the Enjoying Work collaborative learning system with their SPoA project.

The SPOA is a new service that has been developed over the past year. The role of the team is to receive referals for all community health services in Bedordshire. The majority of the team are new to the NHS and have found the culture and the environment challenging which has resulted in low staff morale and high attrition rates . The title of the project is enjoying work and the aim is to increase enjoyment at work by 20% by March 2020. It is expected that by increasing staff morale and engagement this will result in a better patient and service user experience.

We caught up with them to talk about their change ideas and testing.

What are your team doing differently? What are you testing?
We are currently looking into gaining a further insight of services and building key relationships, we’re doing this through using ‘Service Champions’. We’ve selected two services, Continence and Primary Care, for team members to shadow and gain further insights into their work. The idea being that these Service Champions will then provide further training and aid to the wider team. Testing for this change idea will be carried out pre and post the activity using quick fired knowledge based questions, similar to the ‘Good Day Measure’.

What have you learnt from this/What do you hope to learn?
Through the creation of this change idea we hope to increase our knowledge and understanding, build relationships and hopefully gain a bit more understanding in how the team could make processes better for the clinicians.

What do the next two weeks look like for your team?
We are conducting our walk to talk group and holding our first interactive team meetings. We developed a KAN BAN board where staff could collate their ideas about how services and team building could be improved.

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