In January the second wave of QI trainees completed their 3 day Improvement Science in Action (ISIA) workshop at Hackney Town Hall.
Wave 2 QI trainees – January 2015
In an action packed 3 days 140 people from across the Trust joined Professor Robert Lloyd & Dr Tricia Woodhead from the IHI, and the QI team for an deep dive into quality improvement methodology and the practical application of this to QI projects.
Once again everyone on the training is either leading, sponsoring or part of a QI project team. This wave 2 cohort is larger than the first wave and are now leading or involved in over 120 new and ongoing quality improvements projects across the Trust.
The training is designed to enable trainees to apply the learning from the ISIA workshop, web conferences and follow up learning sets directly to their QI projects. At the January workshop we covered many themes including the model for improvement, an introduction to improvement tools that an be used within projects to understand systems and inspire creativity and an in depth look at measurement and using data for improvement with Run, Control and Pareto charts.
During the Wave 2 workshop we were also delighted to welcome several graduates of Wave 1 training who were invited to share valuable learning from their project with everyone.
Watch the video below to hear a few of the thoughts on the training so far from the wave 2 cohort. If you’re interested in learning more about starting your own QI project, or signing up for Wave 3 training please contact the QI team.