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What do your Service Users really think?

 4th May 2016


We all know how important getting feedback on the impact of change ideas from our service users and their carers is!

But getting this in a systematic and reliable way can sometimes be pretty difficult!

Well, now there is a way for teams to add additional questions (2 maximum) to their patient feedback hardware (tablets and laptops), so that they can get specific feedback on their QI project work.

To add 1-2 question(s) specific to your QI project or team’s work onto the Patient experience feedback survey that you already have (via laptop, web or tablet), simply send the question and your team name to and the Quality Outcomes and Experience team (QOET) will help get these uploaded onto the relevant patient feedback device.

QOET will then send the survey results to the QI project team on a monthly basis.

This is a great opportunity to get feedback from all of the service users who use your services. And an even greater opportunity to get their input and feedback to help drive your QI work!

Email the Quality Outcomes and Experience Team now>>

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