Duncan Gilbert
Duncan is Head of Quality Assurance.
Hi, my background as a nurse in PICU, but for the past 7 years I have been working in governance. I look forward to supporting quality improvement in corporate services, and I’m excited about the possibilities. I hope to be accessible, but intend to devote Wednesdays to QI work.
A QI Coach role involves:
- Coaching QI teams within directorates, meeting with the team regularly
- Deeper knowledge of improvement methods and tools
Their responsibilities are:
- Help engage people and teams in QI
- Support project teams to develop ideas and strategy, using QI tools, and advise on how to complete project documentation
- Support project teams in using QI methodology, including PDSA cycles and data over time
- Provide monthly update on team progress to sponsor
- Teach and explain use of QI tools and methods
- Attend supervision with QI lead