Fenno Outen
Hi, I’m Fenno. I manage the Occupational Therapy services for working-age adults in mental health for Newham and Tower Hamlets. I’m also the Newham directorate clinical IT champion. I’m interested to get to know as many QI project teams as possible and support where I can. I’m generally in Newham on Tuesdays, Thursdays and alternate Mondays, but happy to negotiate a regular meeting schedule with each project I’m supporting
A QI Coach role involves:
- Coaching QI teams within directorates, meeting with the team regularly
- Deeper knowledge of improvement methods and tools
Their responsibilities are:
- Help engage people and teams in QI
- Support project teams to develop ideas and strategy, using QI tools, and advise on how to complete project documentation
- Support project teams in using QI methodology, including PDSA cycles and data over time
- Provide monthly update on team progress to sponsor
- Teach and explain use of QI tools and methods
- Attend supervision with QI lead
QI Sponsor role involves:
- A senior member of staff with close link to DMT
- Keep an eye on project progression, helping unblock barriers and championing the work
- Support DMTs in developing improvement priorities, and planning QI training
- Manage allocation of resource and effort to QI
- Accountable for project progression (not outcomes)
Their responsibilities are:
- Support formation of stable team at start of projects
- Scan the monthly progress reports from project leads
- Regular liaison with project leads (at least monthly, ideally face-to-face)
- Attend/chair monthly QI forum in directorate
- Champion successes and engage staff in QI
- Help unblock barriers faced by project teams