Francisco Frasquilho
Francisco has worked in the Trust since 2005 as a Clinical Psychologist in various contexts, including Community Mental Health Teams, In-patient Wards, and Out-patient psychotherapy. Prior to this he completed a Doctorate in Psychology at University College London. He joined the QI team as a Darzi fellow in 2016. After completing his Darzi fellowship he stayed in the QI department, first as an Improvement Advisor and subsequently a Senior Improvement Advisor. He has supported a wide range of QI projects, including a Trust Wide QI priority on Reshaping Community Services between 2017-2019, and is urrently supporting work around the Triple Aim.
Francisco has a passion for teaching and is member of the QI ELFT teaching faculty. He has taught alongside the IHI on courses including Improvement Science in Action and the IHI coaching course. He has a passion for data analysis and use of data to support improvement.