Lucy Brewer
Lucy Brewer is an Senior Improvement Advisor in the Quality Improvement department, supporting our London Mental Health – Newham directorate.
Lucy is a mental health nurse who trained with ELFT in 2014 and for the past few years, she has been a matron for two inpatient services in City and Hackney. She has been involved in numerous QI projects across the wards, for example improving flow and reducing inequalities. In 2019, she trained as a QI coach and has been involved in coaching projects across a few different services. She is also currently completing the ELFT senior leadership program. Lucy is most passionate about co-production and promoting a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
When not at work, Lucy enjoys indoor climbing, travelling and spending time with friends.
A Senior Improvement Advisor role involves:
- Leading and managing a team of Improvement Advisors to support and coordinate improvement work across our trust, and with partners organisations
- Extra support for those projects working on one of the Trust priority workstreams
- Expertise in improvement methods and tools
Their responsibilities are:
- Attending and help coordinating the monthly directorate QI forums
- Teaching staff and service users & carers in improvement methods and tools
- Strategic support for directorate in defining improvement priorities, aligning QI work, building capability
- Regular supervision sessions in each directorate with QI coaches
- To collaborate with clinical/service director and sponsors to develop an ecosystem of support for improvement work