Consultant Psychiatrist - Newham Mental Health
Dr Tumseela Masoud is a Consultant Psychiatrist for Ruby Ward, NCFMH ELFT. This is a male inpatient unit. Dr Masoud has worked on this ward since 2017 and is a General Adult Psychiatrist with specialist endorsement in Liaison Psychiatry. Her special interests include: Bipolar, Perinatal, psychosis, CBT, psychopharmacology and mental capacity. She has her own private practice as an expert witness for the courts. She has lead on a few important QI projects, published a project in BMJ Quality and completed the ILP programme. Finally, she has embarked on the QI Coach journey!
Her hobbies include: travelling, cooking, reading, listening to music and poetry, health and fitness, charity work generating funds for medical aid in developing countries, and interior decorating.
A QI Coach role involves:
Their responsibilities are:
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