Tower Hamlets and Corporate services: a Triple Aim update
Triple Aim work is picking up pace in several directorates across East London NHS Foundation Trust. Here are the latest updates from Tower Hamlets and Corporate services.
Tower Hamlets
Tower Hamlets as a directorate have chosen to use the Triple Aim framework to improve the quality of life of those who are homeless. With there being approximately 7400 homeless people in Tower Hamlets, there is a real urgency to work with this population.
A group of internal and external stakeholders have come together on multiple occasions and have worked through the following:
- Defining the population and sub-populations. Tower Hamlets’ chosen population includes those who are rough sleeping, living in hostels/temporary accommodation and/or sofa surfing.
- Three part data review. The group reviewed data (both qualitative and quantitative), this included information on:
- The size of the population
- Use of services
- Feedback from staff and services
- Feedback from members of the homeless population
They used this information to draft their first driver diagram (theory of change):
Corporate Services
Corporate Services have identified ELFT female employees who are going through the menopause as the focus of their population health work. ELFT has almost 3,000 employees who are female and over the age of 40. The impact of menopause symptoms – and the significant impact they can have on workplace attendance and performance – was highlighted as an issue at a recent management away day. The population health work within corporate services is only just starting and we are asking individuals who are interested in taking part in a focus group about menopause to email Wellbeing Officer Liann Winter.