QI in Bedfordshire and Luton

Bedfordshire and Luton conference photo - trimmed

Our QI Launch Event

On 22 March 2016, more than 100 colleagues from our Bedfordshire and Luton Directorate filled the Rufus Centre in Flitwick, to join the Annual QI Conference from West Ham Football Ground and celebrate the launch of QI in this directorate. The event attracted colleagues from services across in-patient wards, corporate and many different community based services, all keen to improve their respective ways of working and learn more about QI.John and Richard

John Wilkins and Dr Richard Evans set out just some of the successes achieved over the last year, from the introduction of new models of care such as the Psychiatric Liaison service in Luton and Dunstable, and the Well-being service and the MSNAP reaccreditation of Memory Assessment services to name but a few. These successes have really set the scene for QI, which can now help us work towards a culture of continuous improvement as we continue on our journey to develop and shape local services together.

Dr Zelpha Kittler and Dr Farid Jabbar outlined the clinical vision for the directorate and how the Trust is using QI to support front-line engagement from all staff towards continuous learning and innovation. Neil Lad, Clinical Practice Lead from Onyx Ward, Quotes - blueJames Stafford Clinical Nurse Manager and Helen Donovan, Clinical Psychologist in Bedfordshire shared their inspiring experiences of QI so far, describing their work as part of existing QI project teams and how the QI methodology and tools are helping to address challenges and drive improvement through.
Colleagues had the opportunity to discuss where QI can support local improvement, challenges they envisage and how we can collectively ensure service user involvement is at the forefront of, and a continuing theme in any upcoming QI projects.Click here to read about your ideas on: 

>>What areas you want to improve through QI and >>How we can involve our service users and carers in QI.   

The directorate management team, then led a lively Q&A session where Michelle Bradley and Eugene Jones were introduced as the new Operations Directors for Bedfordshire and Luton. They, along with all other Clinical and Service Directors shared their support and enthusiasm to help staff embrace and take forward QI in all parts of the directorate.

To learn more about the QI conference and launch event please find photos, videos and slides from the day below.

So What’s next?

Following the launch we’ll be setting up a Bedfordshire and Luton QI Forum and will share details of how you canmap of bedfordshire with QI logo put forward your ideas for QI projects, so keep an eye on the microsite for that.

If you’re interested in attending the Wave 5 Improvement Science in Action (ISIA) Training starting in September 2016, then please email QI@elft.nhs.uk with your details and we’ll contact you in due course.

Between April and September, we’ve a whole host of roadshows and workshops where you can find out more about QI and learn about the projects that have taken place already in East London, so if you missed the launch – there’s still plenty of opportunity to be part of this. >>Click here to view dates of all Roadshows across Bedfordshire and Luton>>

We’re also currently working with local QI coaches so they can start supporting you with your ideas.

Bring your ideas along to one of the QI Workshops scheduled and we’ll help you develop your Project Charter and Driver Diagram ready for the ISIA Training. Remember, the training is part of a 6 month programme during which we’ll provide lots of support and guidance.

If you can’t wait to get started and are keen to learn more about the QI methodology and tools, we recommend signing up to the IHI open school 

Please contact QI@elft.nhs.uk if you have any queries.


Highlights from the launch event

[slideshare id=60233028&doc=lutonbedsannualconferenceslides22mar2016-160330163404]

Conference and Launch Agenda with video presentations

 Welcome John Wilkins, Deputy CEO & Managing Director for Luton and Bedfordshire
& Dr Richard Evans, Deputy Medical Director for Luton and Bedfordshire
Welcome Marie Gabriel, Trust Chair & Mary Elford, Vice Chair of East London NHS Foundation Trust
Overview on year 2 of QI in ELFT  Dr Amar Shah, Associate Medical Director/Consultant forensic psychiatrist
& James Innes, Head of Quality Improvement at ELFT
 [youtube https://youtu.be/uOn0ZW1F1ko&w=560&h=315]
Keynote Speaker Sustaining Large Scale Change

Professor  Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director for Healthcare Quality at the Scottish Government

 [youtube https://youtu.be/rSqYIIGzJik&w=560&h=315]
QI so far in Luton and Bedfordshire Dr Farid Jabbar, Clinical Director for Luton & Dr Zelpha Kittler, Clinical Director for Bedfordshire
Breakout Session – Bedfordshire  ·QI Principles
·Q&A discussion panel
·QI Projects and outcomes
Breakout Session – London  1. Physical Health as a priority area for ELFT NHS
2. Service User Experience of the Quality Improvement Programme at ELFT
3. Physical Activity Demonstration
4. Panel Discussion with Leaders from ELFT on leadership for improvement and service user & carer involvement in QI
 [youtube https://youtu.be/r_Xm0CsJKqI&w=560&h=315]
Leadership Message Dr Robert Dolan, Chief Executive of ELFT
& Dr Kevin Cleary, Medical Director and Director for Quality and Performance at ELFT
 [youtube https://youtu.be/jlFHOz8CizI&w=560&h=315]
Keynote Speaker Professor  Michael West, Head of Thought Leadership at the Kings Fund,
and Professor of Work and Organisational Psychology at Lancaster University.
 [youtube https://youtu.be/FrYgufOJVz0&w=560&h=315]
What’s coming next for ELFT QI? Dr Amar Shah, Associate Medical Director/Consultant forensic psychiatrist
& James Innes, Head of Quality Improvement at ELFT
[youtube https://youtu.be/HwZ4i7NgQ_k&w=560&h=315]
QI Song Premier Stephen Sandford, Lead for Arts Therapies introduced ‘We’re Quality Improving’ the QI rap written, performed and produced by ELFT  [youtube https://youtu.be/UluALGpNSPM&w=560&h=315]

Watch the full conference below and access the presentation slides using SlideShare

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lflf6Xs5kW0&w=560&h=315] [slideshare id=59834727&doc=annualconferenceslideset-14-160321165416&w=560&h=315]


And finally….its a rap!

We closed the conference with the launch of ‘We’re Quality Improving’, a QI themed rap, written, performed and produced by ELFT staff. Check it out

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnnbJkQkDiY]



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