Becoming an improvement leader: Wave 7 project stories
20th February 2018
Discover how people have evolved through their QI training journey and practical learning.
Those taking part in the Improvement Leaders’ Programme spend eight months immersed in practical Quality Improvement learning. The course covers the basics of QI, useful tools, measurement and data analysis, driver diagrams, PDSA, reliability, implementing and spreading results, and learning from other projects.
We have spoken to Carlos Santos, Community Psychiatric Nurse, and Edward Lander, Operational Team Lead, both part of the Wave 7 of the Improvement Leaders’ Programme, about their journey. They are part of the Recovery Team South service (Newham Adult Mental Health), which is currently working on a Quality Improvement project to increase satisfaction and efficiency through the Recovery Pathway.
The problem that instigated the team to launch this project was high outpatient clinic caseloads. The team is committed to improving service user and staff satisfaction levels and the aim is that 90% of staff and service users report satisfaction with care by December 2018.
In this video, they reflect on their journey so far and how training and development helped them with their journey within QI.
Lisa Clarkson, Head of Quality at Newham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), is also part of the Wave 7 Improvement Leader’s Programme. Due to her role, she had already been exposed to QI methodology. She was later invited to a QI Forum and to take part in the Improvement Leaders’ Programme.
Here are Lisa’s thoughts on her QI learning journey.
For more information on the ELFT QI method please click here. For details on our training options for staff, service users and carers, please visit this page. If you are not part of ELFT and want to know more about how we work, please follow us on Twitter of join our next open event.