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Quality Improvement Department ‘tests’ virtual Pocket QI training
30th March 2020
During March we have all been presented with many differing challenges, one such challenge for the QI Department was to explore how we continue to build skills for QI within ELFT during such a challenging time. As with other areas in the trust we must rapidly adapt to the current situation. So, on the 25th March the QI department hosted module1 of ‘Pocket QI’ (cohort 30) for 22 people virtually for the first time. However, our team recognised that to achieve a positive and interactive experience for delegates, we would need to adapt our content and delivery for a virtual event, utilising the technology available and learning how to do this very quickly.
Our theory was that we would be able to successfully conduct a virtual webinar teaching session to an unlimited number of people.
In our test we asked a series of questions and made predictions
Plan: Plan the test, including the plan for collecting data
We want to conduct webinar training virtually and tested the method for one session over a period for 4 hours.
We predict that candidates would accept invitation and that method would be well received. In addition, that the interviewers would find it an effective way conduct the recruitment process.
Who: Up to 30 Delegates, three improvement advisors and two technical team members.
What: Inform, prepare and invite the delegates; conduct webinar using WebEx as virtual platform
When: 25th March for 4 hours
Data: Number of delegates accepting invitation; feedback from both delegates and facilitators; review of technical issues.
Do: Run the test on a small scale
What happened?
Both team members (IA’s) scheduled to facilitate we unable to attend so two other IA’s stepped in to take over
22 out of 30 delegates accepted the invitation to attend the webinar.
The webinar started as planned with 30-minute sign up time prior to start
Facilitators asked for interaction from delegates throughout the session
Some technical difficulties were experienced but resolved in real time
Session lasted 2 hrs 45 mins inclusive of 3 x 10-minute breaks
Delegates asked to rate their experience by answering “Would they recommend virtual Pocket QI?”
Study: Analyse the results and compare to the predictions
Webinar conducted on time and successfully
Minimal issues with technology but resolved quickly
22 delegates (>50 %) started the session with 19 completing the session (fig. 1)