
Laura Kirkman
QI Coach - Bedfordshire Community Health Services
Aamena Akubat
QI Coach - London Mental Health - City & Hackney
Miles Tringham
Alison Wright
QI Coach & Matron - London Mental Health - Newham
Nicole Eady
Besala Ituna
Sarah Massey
Gbenga Olokuntoye
QI Sponsor and Coach - London Mental Health City & Hackney
Andrea Okoloekwe
QI Sponsor and Coach - Corporate​
Olivier Andlauer
Clinical Director - QI coach & sponsor - City and Hackney
Shameem Joomun
QI Coach - Specialist Child and Young Person Services
Rebecca Daniels
QI Coach - Specialist Child and Young Person Services
Cathy Lilley
QI Sponsor - Corporate
Shalom Bayem
QI Coach - Corporate
Raquel Williams
Dr Sophia Ulhaq
Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist, CAMHS (QI Lead) - QI Coach & QI Sponsor
Robert Cazley
QI Coach - Bedfordshire and Luton - Community
Yasmin Long
QI Coach - Primary Care and Specialist Psychological Services
Victoria Condon
QI Coach - Primary Care
Toni Amos
QI Coach - Primary Care and Specialist Psychological Services

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