
Chris Spanton
QI Coach - Psychological Services
Selina Hossain
QI Coach - Corporate
Gopal Waddon
QI Coach - Corporate
Rachel James
Qi Coach - Newham Mental Health
Katie Allan
QI Coach - Bedfordshire and Luton - Crisis
Janice Muradzikwa
QI Coach - Bedfordshire and Luton - Inpatient
Patricia Huibers
QI Coach & Sponsor - Bedfordshire & Luton Mental Health - Crisis
Mark Bertie
QI Coach - SCYPS
Marion Levine
QI Coach & Sponsor
Jennifer Heath
QI Coach - Bedfordshire Community Health Services
Gemma Sharples
QI Coach - City & Hackney Adult Mental Health
Emma Furlong
QI Coach - Forensics
Caroline Ogunsola
QI Coach - Corporate
Alex Tindall
QI Coach - Psychological Services
Leanne Welch
QI Coach - Bedfordshire Community Health Services
Karen Bambridge
QI Coach - Bedfordshire and Luton - Community
Jeannette Fuller
QI Coach - Bedfordshire and Luton - Community
Sharon Manyeza
QI Coach - Bedfordshire and Luton - Inpatient
Ademola Animashaun
QI Coach - CHN
Simona Shaygan
QI Coach - Corporate Services

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