The Personal Journey of a Quality Improvement Coach
By Natalie Blanchard, Community Paediatric Speech & Language Therapist, QI Coach and QI Champion & Cath Heaney, Improvement Advisor
5 minute watch
The video below describes Natalie Blanchard’s personal quality improvement journey. A Speech & Language Therapist, with four years’ experience working at ELFT, she explains how she discovered the value of quality improvement and the training she underwent to help her run improvement work at the Specialist Children’s and Young People’s Service (SCYPS).
If you are ELFT staff and you are interested to find out more about the Improvement Leader’s Programme Natalie attended, click here. You can also find out more about the Enjoying Work programme. If you are not staff at ELFT, we offer training in quality improvement to anyone, worldwide as part of our Pocket QI training. You can find out about this here.
In this second 4 minute video, Nat guides us through the sketchnote she made, during her QI coach training, to illustrate her journey. Sketchnoting is a great way to organise thoughts and tell an improvement story. You can find out more about sketchnoting here.