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Improvement Coaching Programme – Cohort 11

Cohort 11 of ELFT’s Improvement Coaching Programme will support staff, service users and carers to strengthen their skills around QI and QI coaching.

The programme brings together a range of concepts including coaching, facilitation skills, improvement skills, measurement for improvement and psychology of change. As part of the programme, prospective QI coaches will learn how to coach teams to apply Quality Improvement methodology to complex problems in their areas of work.


Cohort 11 Workshop Dates (October 2025-March 2026)

To sign up for this training programme you must be available to join at least one induction session, all workshops and learning sessions from October 2025 – March 2026.

Our dates and venues will be:

  • Virtual Induction: TBC
  • Workshop Days 1 & 2: 14th & 15th October 2025
  • Virtual Action Learning Set 1: TBC
  • Workshop Days 3 & 4: 20th & 21st January 2026
  • Virtual Action Learning Set 2: TBC
  • Workshop Days 5 & 6: 3rd & 4th March 2026

How to apply

Internal candidates:

A new cohort runs once a year, so if you’re interested in becoming a coach, please speak to your local Clinical or Service Director, or your Improvement Advisor.

If you are interested in applying for the role of a QI coach you should have already attended Pocket QI and the Improvement Leaders’ Programme  so that you have a good foundational knowledge base of QI. Please ensure your line manager is supportive of the time commitment for all in person training days and virtual sessions, and to continue to perform your role as a coach in the organisation once you finish the course.

We welcome applications from service users and carers so if you are interested in this paid role, please have an initial conversation with your local People Participation Lead about what the role entails.

To get a feel for the role and to understand what is expected, link in with existing QI coaches and QI sponsors in your directorate. Attending your local QI forum (if you don’t already do so) is a good way to see what QI projects are underway in the directorate.


External applicants

As part of your application:

  • Please ensure you have line management approval to attend all in person training days.
  • You have identified a project to work on aligned to your organisation’s priorities.

There is a fee for external applicants and your space on the course is subject to payment being received. To find out more information, please sign up using the external participant registration form below.


Please use the correct form to register for cohort 11.

Note: Places for external colleagues will only be confirmed once payment has been received. 

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