News & Updates

The IHI’s annual visit to ELFT

20 October 2016

Our strategic partners, the IHI, came to visit the Trust from the 3rd – 5th October. Derek Feeley, Robert Lloyd, Pedro Delgado, Pierre Barker and Yael Gill met with patient and staff groups and visited various directorates across the Trust to learn how we are embedding QI in all areas. Watch the video to see… Read More

Wave 6 Improvement Science in Action in Leyton

20 October 2016

This week our Wave 6 cohort completed their 3 day Improvement Science in Action (ISIA)workshop at the Great Hall, in Leyton, East London. From 16-18 October 130 our new ISIA trainees came together for the start of a 6 month QI learning programme. Wave 6 in East London follows hot on the heels of Wave… Read More

2 Minutes with Jonathan Warren

19 October 2016

We spoke to the Director of Nursing and Deputy Chief Executive, Jonathan Warren about his experience of QI and why he thinks it’s so important for the Trust… COULD YOU GIVE US A BRIEF SUMMARY OF YOUR ROLE AND WHAT A TYPICAL DAY AT WORK IS FOR YOU? I am the Director of Nursing and… Read More

PDSA of the month!

19 October 2016

PDSA of the month: Using post-its notes to support service users to participate more in community meeting discussions on Gardner Ward By Linnea Landin, Social Therapist, Gardner Ward The Gold Standards project team on Gardner Ward in City and Hackney is working to improve service users’ experience of the environment. Our project team, which includes… Read More

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