News & Updates

Using Quality Improvement to reduce nursing vacancies Trust wide.

21 March 2024

What is the problem we’re trying to solve? Work is underway to reduce our nursing vacancies across the Trust. Over the past few years, across ELFT we have had a high number of nursing vacancies, with specific challenges for band 5 and 6 nursing roles. This challenge is something that is shared with many other… Read More

Service Users Co-Production in Observation and Therapeutic Engagement Project in Forensics Directorate

20 March 2024

By Emma Furlong, Sexual Safety Lead and QI Coach A combined workgroup of services users (SU) and staff from the Forensic Directorate worked closely together on the Observations and Therapeutic Engagement QI Project. Over the ensuing months, significant improvement has been achieved in staff completing observations and competencies, which fosters clear and effective communication between staff… Read More

Patient safety – adopting a learning and improving approach

5 February 2024

By Auzewell Chitewe, Associate Director of Quality Improvement Over the past year, the Director of Patient Safety, the Risk and Governance Team, the Legal team, nursing and medical leaders, adult mental health services in Bedfordshire & Luton, as well as the Associate Director of Quality Improvement, have been deploying quality improvement (QI) methods to enhance… Read More

Improving observation practice and therapeutic engagement across inpatient wards at ELFT – The opportunity of using Quality Improvement at Scale

5 February 2024

Providing a safe and therapeutically engaging environment is one of the core components that support service users’ recovery on inpatient mental health wards. Although observations of service users by staff are important in helping achieve this, without meaningful interaction they can be reduced to a form of surveillance which can hinder recovery. Observations should be… Read More

A Collection of Illustrations about the Observation and Therapeutic Engagement Works in Shoreditch Ward

8 December 2023

By seven Shoreditch Ward service users and compiled by Brenda Abrah (Specialist Occupational Therapist), Bekezela Ndiweni (Clinical Nurse Manager) and William Diaz (Improvement Advisor) In this 5-minute read, explore seven Service Users’ (SU) thoughts and feelings, depicted through illustrations, around the observation and therapeutic engagement work on Shoreditch Ward in the Forensic directorate. The team… Read More

Renato, a service user at ELFT shares his experience being part of the therapeutic engagement work in City & Hackney

8 December 2023

Watch below as Renato describes the experience of being part of the therapeutic engagement work in City & Hackney.  

Renato, a service user at ELFT shares his experience being part of the therapeutic engagement work in City & Hackney

Using the Broset Violence Checklist to assess the risk of violence on Galaxy ward

8 December 2023

Written by Racheal Kafero, Clinical Nurse Manager on Galaxy ward, and Matthew Oultram, Improvement Advisor The Broset Violence checklist (BVC) is a structured risk assessment tool used by clinicians to assess the risk of violence. The BVC is part of the Safety Culture Bundle which was introduced at ELFT following a successful programme of work… Read More

Using the Broset Violence Checklist to assess the risk of violence on Galaxy ward

Service Users Reflect on Therapeutic Engagement & Observations Work in Tower Hamlets

29 November 2023

By Sarah McAllister (Senior Improvement Advisor) and three service users from Tower Hamlets In Tower Hamlets, quality improvement (QI) work is changing the landscape of therapeutic engagement and observations. Service users and carers are at the heart of this journey. In this 3-minute read, three service users share their perspectives on why this work is… Read More

Evergreen Inpatient Unit, Luton and Bedfordshire CAMHS – Working Together to Understand the Problem and Develop Change Ideas

31 August 2023

By Sean Dumbell (Modern Matron) We are a new ward and therefore the process of arriving at our change ideas was a little different to elsewhere. Unlike other areas, we didn’t really have much data that could give us insight into the culture around observations within our team. We put out a staff survey that… Read More

Relaying our way towards safer observations – a standard operating procedure for Tower Hamlet’s board relay

31 August 2023

By Mitchell Modja (Clinical Nurse Manager, Rosebank ward), Dadai Dandato (Borough Lead Nurse, Tower Hamlets) and Sarah McAllister (Senior Improvement Advisor) See how Tower Hamlets Rosebank ward have used a board relay to improve therapeutic engagement and achieve zero missed observations in 7 months… What is the problem? Following a serious incident, Tower Hamlets joined… Read More

Twilight Testing: Empowering Engagement with Life Skills Recovery Workers Shift Innovations

30 August 2023

By Chloe Preston (Improvement Advisor) As part of the Trust-wide inpatient quality and safety programme, three wards in Bedford and Luton have been testing different shift patterns for their Life Skills Recovery Workers (LSRWs). Ward staff recognised that many of their incidents occur in the afternoon and evening, when there are fewer activities for service… Read More

Newham Centre for Mental Health – Ideas to Improve Observation Practice

29 August 2023

By Nichole Hendricks-Abulime (Mental Health Nurse) Morgan Duffield (Life Skills Recovery Worker), Omolara Makanjuola (Health Care Assistant) and Lucy Brewer (Improvement Advisor) When staff in Newham asked the question ‘what gets in the way of completing observations’, one of the reasons was that the acuity and unpredictability of the ward contributed to staff forgetting do… Read More

Newham Centre for Mental Health – Ideas to Improve Observation Practice

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