News & Updates

Using QI tools to fairly gather and select change ideas for testing

1 February 2022

By Cath Heaney, Improvement Advisor In 5 minutes, learn more about nominal group technique, affinity diagrams and multi-voting with accompanying videos of a team using these tools. These three QI tools are quick, interactive activities that can help teams generate ideas quickly and fairly, group common ideas together and then prioritise which ones to test… Read More

A Nurse’s ‘Daily Improvement’ Idea to Improve the Experience and Outcomes for Service Users in Tower Hamlets

20 January 2022

By Susan Alfred, Improvement Advisor Anyone can use quality improvement tools in their everyday work. Daily improvement can be applied to simple quality issues and process problems to help make small improvements in more straightforward scenarios. Big, complex issues will still benefit from the structure of a project and a team, and we should continue… Read More

The QI Fellow Blog

15 November 2021

By Craig Donohoe, QI Fellow, QI coach, expert by experience and carer This is my blog as the first Quality Improvement (QI) Fellow – Expert by Experience in the ELFT QI department. I am Craig Donohoe, an expert by experience, carer, and service user from Luton, Bedfordshire. In this 15-minute read I will share my… Read More

Putting the Person at the Heart of the Process: Improving the New Starter Experience with QI

30 March 2021

By Candace Sinclair, Improvement Advisor, on behalf of the New Starter Working Group   Starting a new job is rated as one of the most stressful life events irrespective of where you are in your career. The feeling of being overwhelmed in the first days of a job is common as new team members learn… Read More


Stories from Cohort 4 of Enjoying Work

29 March 2021

If you’re interested in making real improvements and improve the wellbeing and satisfaction of you and your team at work, sign up to an introductory session to Enjoying Work Use the links below to explore these stories: Randomised Coffee Meeting to Tackle Isolation A Cohesive Breakfast Club Improving the Experience of New Starters Using a… Read More

EW stories feature image

Change Does Not Have to be Wholesale

15 October 2020

how the processes behind the data team evolved by Akkash Purani, Senior Improvement Data Analyst Following on from the story of how internal communication with the QI Department was streamlined, the Data sub-team took this further and began working on their own internal system for communication and standard processes. With a new starter joining the… Read More

Leveraging Microsoft PowerBI to bring our departmental data to life

15 September 2020

By Akkash Purani, Senior Improvement Data Analyst. The QI department have changed their yearly objectives (April-March) to 90-day objectives, allowing them to be more reactive and flexible during the COVID-19 pandemic. This approach is to strengthen data collection and analysis so that the team can understand and analyse their work during the initial stages of… Read More

Learning Disabilities Psychological Therapies making sense together: What changed during COVID-19?

15 September 2020

By Doranne McDonald and Carlos Santos, Improvement Advisors On 14 July, 2020, members of the Learning Disabilities (LD) Psychological Therapies team from Tower Hamlets, Newham, Hackney, and Bedfordshire & Luton, came together to reflect on their experiences during COVID 19, and the changes their service have had to make as a result. The participants included:… Read More

ELFT’s virtual Quality Improvement (QI) Collaborative with London Healthy Partnership (HLP) Continues Efforts To Reduce HIV Infections in London by 2030

2 September 2020

By Marco Aurelio, Improvement Advisor In the latest of our series of updates around ELFT’s support of a QI Collaborative, hear about how some of the organisations involved are getting on with their projects Since the beginning of 2020, twelve organisations have come together five times, as part of a Quality Improvement Collaborative. Two of these sessions were held face-to-face, and three virtually, as a result of COVID-19. The most recent events were held on 1 July and 14 August respectively. The aim of these sessions was to understand how the QI projects were progressing; to share learning; and for the organisations… Read More

SHAPING OUR FUTURE: Bedfordshire Inpatient Mental Health achievements under the pressure during Covid-19

25 August 2020

By Sher Kayani, Improvement Advisor 2021 update: The following three strategic priorities and their respective sponsors will inform and guide the quality improvement work for the Luton & Bedfordshire Inpatient Directorate in 2021 and they are as follows: • Connection (Sponsor, Dr Guy Thompson) • Outcomes & Safety (Sponsor, Sasha Singh) • Staff Health &… Read More

City and Hackney: Nurturing the roots of change using projects and daily improvement tools during the pandemic

20 August 2020

By Francisco Frasquilho, Senior Improvement Advisor 2021 update: The Mother and Baby Unity (MBU) project team have continued to trial out a new electronic recording system for referrals, seeing a shift downwards in the time taken to process new referrals (an 85% reduction) in September 2020. The team were also planning to test out a… Read More

City and Hackney Centre for Mental Health

Community Health Newham Service Users & Carers Lead the Way

20 August 2020

By Susan Alfred, Improvement Advisor Congratulations to the Community Health Newham (CHN) directorate for delivering two firsts in their directorate on Tuesday 21st July 2020. With a mixed team of enthusiastic service users, carers and staff the directorate saw – Their first service user/carer inspired and led project officially started and Their first project launch… Read More

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