News & Updates

Quality Improvement Department ‘tests’ virtual Pocket QI training

30 March 2020

  During March we have all been presented with many differing challenges, one such challenge for the QI Department was to explore how we continue to build skills for QI within ELFT during such a challenging time. As with other areas in the trust we must rapidly adapt to the current situation. So, on the… Read More

QI/QA Department ‘tests’ remote working

23 March 2020

On Friday the 13th March (was that a sign?) we conducted our first ‘test’ of total remote working. Little did we know then that this way of working would quickly become the norm for millions of workers across the globe. It became apparent that we would need to do a longer test. So, based on… Read More

QI-Lite cherry picking techniques and tools

17 March 2020

Using an Appreciative Enquiry with Cancer and Palliative Care Nurses. Dr. Sara Rasool, from Macmillan Consultant Clinical Psychologist & Lead for Community Health Psychology Services. (Beds and Luton), updated the QI Department on how the use of an Appreciative Enquiry helped her and her team reflect at their team Away Day in February. Adopting tools… Read More

QI Essentials: Opportunity in adversity

13 March 2020

Moments of crisis and adversity have given rise to innovation and creativity at so many times in history and for so many organisations. Serious creativity, as Edward de Bono described it. De Bono is a physician and psychologist who originated the term ‘lateral thinking’. De Bono has developed many of the provocation techniques designed to… Read More

Congratulations to the latest Improvement Leaders!

4 March 2020

On Tuesday 3rd March the ninth Wave of the Improvement Leaders’ Programme (ILP, formally ISIA) and third Cohort of Enjoying Work came to a close with a graduation and celebration event. Since September 2019 around 140 staff, service users and carers have participated in 8 workshops designed to equip them with the tools and knowledge… Read More

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