All resources





“Are you listening?” – Reducing the number of complaints | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Easy Reads,

“It’s a matter of building bridges…” – Carer involvement for inpatients with severe mental illness | Go to Resource

“QI is a journey, not a destination” – How Leaders Navigate the Way | Go to Resource

1000 million healthier lives measurement framework for adolescents | Go to Resource

1000 million healthier lives measurement framework for adults | Go to Resource

15 Concrete Ideas to Manage an Improvement Project | Go to Resource

15 Questions About Remote Work, Answered | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Virtual Working,

2009 National Forum Keynote – Squirrel | Go to Resource

2011 National Forum Keynote- The Moral Test | Go to Resource

2012 National Forum Keynote- “And We Said No!”: Health Care Challenges, Ethics and Civil Society – Don Berwick | Go to Resource

2015 Annual QI Conference | Go to Resource

2015 London Keynote – Donald Berwick – The New Simple Rules for Health Systems | Go to Resource

2016 Annual QI Conference | Go to Resource

2016 ELFT QI Conference – Breakout session | Go to Resource

2016 Gothenburg Keynote – Discovery – Maureen Bisognano | Go to Resource

2016 Gothenburg Keynote – Exploring Our Roots – Donald M. Berwick | Go to Resource

2016 Gothenburg Keynote – Providing Best Healthcare During the European Refugee Crisis | Go to Resource

2016 Gothenburg Keynote – Rebels At Work: Challenging The Mindset… – Lois Kelly | Go to Resource

2016 Gothenburg Keynote – Sweden:The Birthplace Of Quality Improvement – Olivia Wigzell | Go to Resource

2016 Gothenburg Presentation – Around the world in mental health QI | Go to Resource

2017 Annual QI Conference | Go to Resource

2017 Bedfordshire & Luton QI Conference Slides | Go to Resource

2017 ELFT QI Conference – Plenary Slides | Go to Resource

2017 ELFT QI Conference – Scale Up & Spread | Go to Resource

2017 ELFT QI Conference – Service User & Carer Involvement | Go to Resource

2018 World Cafe Presentations | Go to Resource

5 Million Lives – Getting Started Kit: Sustainability and Spread | Go to Resource

5 Whys | Go to Resource

7 Step Meeting Process | Go to Resource

A basic guide to using Microsoft Teams within the NHS | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Virtual Working,

A Co-production Model: Five Values And Seven Steps To Make This Happen In Reality | Go to Resource

A coordinated approach to trainee clinical psychologist’s service-related research through quality improvement methodology | Go to Resource

A focus on ‘ Always Events’ | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Easy Reads,

A Framework for Safe, Reliable, and Effective Care | Go to Resource

A Framework for scaling up Health Interventions: Lessons | Go to Resource

A Framework For Spread | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Scale-Up and Spread,

A Guide to Measuring the Triple Aim | Go to Resource


A look back at our first 2 years of QI | Go to Resource

A look back on year 3 of QI at ELFT (2017 QI Conference) | Go to Resource

A masterclass for improvement in admin | Go to Resource

A Matter of Time | Go to Resource

A mixed-methods study of challenges experienced by clinical teams in measuring improvement | Go to Resource

A New Prescription for Improving Business Performance at GlaxoSmithKline | Go to Resource

A People Participation Lead’s view of QI | Go to Resource

A Practical Implementation Science Heuristic for Organizational Readiness: R = MC2 | Go to Resource

A primer on PDSA: executing plan-do-study-act cycles in practice, not just in name | Go to Resource

A qualitative study exploring clients’ reasons for missing appointments within a secondary care service | Go to Resource

A Sense of Urgency, A Sense of Hope. | Go to Resource

A Simple Tool for Managing Quality Improvement Projects | Go to Resource

A Step Forward Approach to Improving GP Cluster MDT Meetings | Go to Resource

Accelerating Population Health Improvement | Go to Resource

Achieving Equity Through Quality Improvement | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Pursuing Equity,

Achieving Excellence – The Quality Delivery Plan for the NHS in Wales | Go to Resource

Achieving Hospital-wide Patient Flow – The Right Care, in the Right Place, at the Right Time (IHI whitepaper) | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Improving Access and Flow,

Achieving the Triple Aim through the Systematic Application of Quality Improvement | Go to Resource

Action for happiness | Go to Resource

Active QI Projects – June 2024 | Go to Resource

Acute Psychology Group Attendance Project | Go to Resource

Affinity Diagrams | Go to Resource

Agenda – Measurement Masterclass with Robert Lloyd Copy | Go to Resource

Aiming beyond equality to reach equity: the promise and challenge of quality improvement | Go to Resource

Algate ward – To increase the number of good days staff experience on Algate ward | Go to Resource

All Quality Improvement Is Health Equity Work Designing Improvement to Reduce Disparities | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Pursuing Equity,

An approach to achieving the IHI’s The Triple Aim for a given population | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Create a Governance Structure,

An Equity Agenda for the Field of Health Care Quality Improvement | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Pursuing Equity,

An Independent Evaluation of Implementation and Impact | Go to Resource

An Interview with Improvement Coaches | Go to Resource
Category: ,

An Organisation with a Memory | Go to Resource

An Organizational Framework to Reduce Professional Burnout and Bring Back Joy in Practice | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work,

Analytical Studies a Framework for Quality Improvement Design and Analysis | Go to Resource

Application of statistical process control in healthcare improvement: systematic review | Go to Resource

Applying PDSA in the work we do | Go to Resource

Appreciative Enquiry | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work,

Appreciative Inquiry | Go to Resource

Appreciative Inquiry | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Are you listening? | Go to Resource

Are you listening? | Go to Resource

Are You Listening? | Go to Resource

Are You Using Data the Right Way? | Go to Resource

Backlog Recovery Plan Template | Go to Resource

Bank details form for service user and carer involvement | Go to Resource

Basic guide for creating a good Powerpoint presentation | Go to Resource

Basics of Improvement Methodology | Go to Resource

BBC London – Violence reduction in Newham – August 2018 | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Reducing Harm from Violence,

BDU Enjoying Work QI Project | Go to Resource

Become an ELFT Storyteller | Go to Resource

Bedford CRHT Enjoying Work Project | Go to Resource

Bedfordshire & Luton QI Journey 2016-2017 | Go to Resource

Bedfordshire & Luton Wave 5 ISIA | Go to Resource

Bedfordshire & Luton Wave 5 ISIA | Go to Resource

Bedfordshire and Luton Senior Psychological Therapies Team – To Restore Joy In Work | Go to Resource

Bedfordshire QI Coaches & Sponsors | Go to Resource

Bedfordshire Wellbeing Service – To increase staff wellbeing and enjoyment at work | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Project Posters,

Being Open – Saying Sorry When Things Go Wrong | Go to Resource

Better care: reducing length of stay and bed occupancy on an older adult psychiatric ward | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: ELFT Published QI Projects,

Better value in the NHS – The role of changes in clinical practice | Go to Resource

Bob Lloyd at IHI Strategic Visit | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: East London NHS Foundation Trust,

Brain Storming | Go to Resource
Category: , ,

Branching out – Use measurement trees to determine whether your improvement efforts are paying off | Go to Resource

Breaking the Rules for Better Care | Go to Resource

Bridging The Bedford Gap | Go to Resource

Bridging The Bedford Gap | Go to Resource

Building a Culture of Candour | Go to Resource

Building a Culture of Improvement at East London NHS Foundation Trust | Go to Resource

Building an organisational culture of continuous improvement | Go to Resource

Building capability for QI across the Trust | Go to Resource

Building Capacity and Capability for Improvement | Go to Resource

Building capacity and capability for quality improvement: developing an organisational approach | Go to Resource

Building Capacity and Capability: The Really BIG Challenge! | Go to Resource

Building Improvement Capacity and Capability | Go to Resource

Building the business case for quality improvement: a framework for evaluating return on investment | Go to Resource

Building the Foundations for Improvement | Go to Resource

C Chart Formula | Go to Resource

C&H – Rehab Revolution – Enjoying Work QI Project | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 2 Celebration Event,

C&H Quality Quarterly | Go to Resource

Cancel an ELFT QI Project on Life QI | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Life QI – Guidance,

Capacity Management to increase timely access to effective psychological interventions | Go to Resource

Cardio vascular mortality prevention in Newham Assertive Outreach Service | Go to Resource

Cardiovascular Mortality prevention in NAFOS | Go to Resource

Care in a Less Restrictive Setting | Go to Resource

Caring to Change | Go to Resource

Cause and Effect Diagram (Fish Bone) | Go to Resource

Change an ELFT QI project’s progress score | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Life QI – Guidance,

Change Ideas From IHI | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work,

Change Packages | Go to Resource

Changing Lanes | Go to Resource

Checking in with your team | Go to Resource

Christmas Crossword 2017 | Go to Resource

Circling Back | Go to Resource

City and Hackney Learning Disability Service Enjoying Work | Go to Resource

City and Hackney Violence Reduction Collaborative | Go to Resource

City and Hackney Violence Reduction Collaborative | Go to Resource

City and Hackney Violence Reduction Collaborative | Go to Resource

City and Hackney Violence Reduction Collaborative – Bevan Ward | Go to Resource

City and Hackney Violence Reduction Collaborative – Brett Ward | Go to Resource

City and Hackney Violence Reduction Collaborative – Conolly Ward | Go to Resource

City and Hackney Violence Reduction Collaborative – Gardner Ward | Go to Resource

City and Hackney Violence Reduction Collaborative – Joshua Ward | Go to Resource

Clinicians awareness of carers’ support in Newham – Heidi Grafahrend | Go to Resource

Close and Summary of the 2017 QI Conference | Go to Resource

Closing a QI Project | Go to Resource

Co-production by Spice | Go to Resource

Co-production in Mental Health | Go to Resource

Co-production of Health Care Service | Go to Resource

Co-Production Plenary Session – ELFT Quality Conference 2019 | Go to Resource

Coaching an ELFT QI Project | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Life QI – Guidance,

Coborn Centre Enjoying Work QI Project | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 2 Celebration Event,

Commercial Development Directorate – To have positive effects on productivity, job satisfaction and wellbeing while at work | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Project Posters,

Communications in health care improvement – a tool kit | Go to Resource

Community Children’s Nursing Service – Enjoying Work presentation | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 2 Celebration Event,

Community Health Newham Adult Services Admin Leads- To build better communication within the team and to improve relationship with clinical staff | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Project Posters,

Complete a Life QI monthly report for an ELFT QI Project | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Life QI – Guidance,

Complete an ELFT QI project on Life QI | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Life QI – Guidance,

Completed project poster template | Go to Resource

Completing a survey on the ImproveWell app | Go to Resource

Concepts QP 1998 | Go to Resource

Conducting Health Equity Data Analysis | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Pursuing Equity,

Confidentiality Form | Go to Resource

Continuous Improvement of Patient Saftey | Go to Resource

Control Chart Quick Guide | Go to Resource

Control Charts | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Testing,

Controlling Variation in Health Care: A Consultation from Walter Shewhart (DONALD M. BERWICK, MD, MPP) | Go to Resource


Could Quality Be Cheaper | Go to Resource

Council of Governors Impact Quality Improvement Project | Go to Resource

Create a driver diagram | Go to Resource

Create a Driver Diagram on Life QI | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Life QI – Guidance,

Creating Learning Systems | Go to Resource

Creative Approaches to Problem Solving | Go to Resource

Creative Approaches to Problem Solving toolkit | Go to Resource

Creativity and Improvement | Go to Resource

Creativity Methods | Go to Resource

Culture and Behaviour in the English National Health Service | Go to Resource

Culture of Quality article | Go to Resource

Daily Improvement | Go to Resource

Data Collection Planning Template | Go to Resource

Day 1 – ILP Wave 10 | Go to Resource

Day 2 – ILP Wave 10 | Go to Resource

Day 3 – ILP Wave 10 | Go to Resource

Day 4 – ILP Wave 10 | Go to Resource

Day 5 – ILP Wave 10 | Go to Resource

Deciding what to improve | Go to Resource

Demand and capacity in an ADHD team: reducing the wait times for an ADHD assessment to 12 weeks | Go to Resource

Demand and Capacity Model Template | Go to Resource

Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge 1 | Go to Resource

Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge 2 | Go to Resource

Derek Feeley & Robert Lloyd | Go to Resource

Design Methods for Developing Services | Go to Resource

Design, Use, and Performance of Statistical Control Charts for Clinical Process Improvement | Go to Resource

Designing a system of safety | Go to Resource

Developed and implemented a novel inpatient psychology for sleep group demonstrating the need for and acceptability of the approach | Go to Resource

Developing collective leadership for healthcare | Go to Resource

Developing Psychological Services following Facial Trauma (BMJ Quality) | Go to Resource

Divergent convergent thinking | Go to Resource

Divergent convergent thinking | Go to Resource

Do you sit on your desk all day? | Go to Resource

Does Improving Quality Save Money? | Go to Resource

Does quality improvement improve quality | Go to Resource

Don Berwick gives a short talk at ELFT | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Don Goldmann: How do you use a driver diagram? | Go to Resource

Dr Brian Robson Masterclass on Leadership For Improvement | Go to Resource

Dr Don Goldmann – How To Implement Credible QI Projects | Go to Resource

Dream Big – Improving Sleep on Lea Ward | Go to Resource

Driver Diagrams | Go to Resource

Dunstable Emotional and Behavioural 1 CAMHS – To increase joy In work | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Project Posters,

Eating Together at the Firehouse: How Workplace Commensality Relates to the Performance of Firefighters | Go to Resource

Editing your Good Day Measure on the ImproveWell App | Go to Resource

Effective Networks for Improvement | Go to Resource

ELFT Annual QI Conference – 10 March | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: East London NHS Foundation Trust,

ELFT Annual QI Conference 2016 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: East London NHS Foundation Trust,

ELFT at International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare 2014 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: East London NHS Foundation Trust,

ELFT C Chart Animation | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Chart Animations,

ELFT Control Chart Animation | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Chart Animations,

ELFT Employee Wellbeing | Go to Resource

ELFT Experience Day 2017 | Go to Resource

ELFT Experience Day Presentation 2015 | Go to Resource

ELFT I Chart Animation | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Chart Animations,

ELFT ILP Team Profile Worksheet | Go to Resource
Category: ,

ELFT in One Voice – Quality Conference 2019 | Go to Resource

ELFT P Chart Animation | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Chart Animations,

ELFT P Prime (P’) Chart Animation | Go to Resource

ELFT QI Charts Tutorial | Go to Resource

ELFT QI Charts Tutorial – 01. Introduction | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: QI Charts,

ELFT QI Programme | Go to Resource

ELFT QI Programme 2017 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: ELFT Talks and Interviews,

ELFT QI Programme Evaluation 2015 | Go to Resource

ELFT QI Programme Prezi | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: East London NHS Foundation Trust,

ELFT QI Year 2 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: East London NHS Foundation Trust,

ELFT Quality Improvement Programme | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: East London NHS Foundation Trust,

ELFT Quality Improvement Programme Launch Film | Go to Resource

ELFT Quality Strategy Improvement 2016 – 2018 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: East London NHS Foundation Trust,

ELFT Run Chart Animation | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Chart Animations,

ELFT Scale up and Spread Checklist | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Scale-Up and Spread,

ELFT Spread Planner | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Scale-Up and Spread,

ELFT Trust HQ Map | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: East London NHS Foundation Trust,

ELFT U Chart Animation | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Chart Animations,

ELFT U Prime Chart Animation | Go to Resource

ELFT Wellbeing Resources | Go to Resource

ELFT XbarS Chart Animation | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Chart Animations,

ELFT’s approach to QI | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: East London NHS Foundation Trust,

ELFT’s QI Charts Tutorial – 02 creating a C chart – part 1 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: QI Charts,

ELFT’s QI Charts Tutorial – 03 Creating a C Chart Part 2 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: QI Charts,

ELFT’s QI Charts Tutorial – 04 Applying phases to a C Chart | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: QI Charts,

ELFT’s QI Charts Tutorial – 05 Creating a U Chart | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: QI Charts,

ELFT’s QI Charts Tutorial – 06. Creating a P Chart | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: QI Charts,

ELFT’s QI Charts Tutorial – 07 Creating an I Chart | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: QI Charts,

ELFT’s Quality Management System – Part 1 | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Chart Animations,

ELFT’s Quality Management System – Part 2 | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Chart Animations,

Emerald Ward Enjoying Work Project – To increase staff morale and motivation on the ward | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Project Posters,

Empowering Nurse Leadership session at International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare 2016 | Go to Resource

Engagement Event for Developing Change Ideas with Partners | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Create a Governance Structure,

Engaging the team | Go to Resource

Enhanced Care to Nursing Homes | Go to Resource

Enhanced Care to Nursing Homes Project | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work – A Trust QI Priority | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work,

Enjoying Work – Executive Team presentation | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 2 Celebration Event,

Enjoying Work – Family of Measures | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Enjoying Work – Medical Management Team presentation | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 2 Celebration Event,

Enjoying Work – Luton IAPTS | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work,

Enjoying Work April Learning Session | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 4,

Enjoying Work celebration – Extended Primary Care Team presentation | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 2 Celebration Event,

Enjoying Work Celebration Event Slide | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Cohort 2 Illustrations | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Creativity and QI,

Enjoying Work Cohort 3 – Learning set 3 slides | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Cohort 3 – Learning set 4 slides | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Cohort 3 – Learning set 5 slides | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Cohort 3 Appreciative Inquiry | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Cohort 3 Good Day Measure | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Cohort 3 Learning Set 1 | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Cohort 3 Learning Set 2 | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Cohort 3 Learning Set 3 | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Cohort 3 Learning Set 4 | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 3,

Enjoying Work Cohort 3 Learning Set 5 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 3,

Enjoying Work Cohort 3 Learning Set 5 Copy | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Cohort 3 Learning Set 6 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 3,

Enjoying Work Cohort 4 – Celebration event | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 4,

Enjoying Work Cohort 4 – Learning Set 2 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 4,

Enjoying Work Cohort 4 – Storytelling Festival | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 4,

Enjoying Work Cohort 4 Learning Set 1 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 4,

Enjoying Work Cohort 4 Learning Set 3 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 4,

Enjoying Work Cohort 5 January Learning Session | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Cohort 5 – September Learning Session | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Cohort 5 – December Learning Session | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Cohort 5 – November Learning Session | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 5,

Enjoying Work Driver Diagram | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work February Learning Session | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 4,

Enjoying Work in the Business Development Unit | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work January Learning Session | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 4,

Enjoying Work Learning Set 1 | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Learning Set 2 | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Learning Set 3 – Illustration | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Learning Set 4 | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Learning Set 5 | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work Learning Set 6 – Celebration Event | Go to Resource

Enjoying Work March Learning Session | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 4,

Enjoying Work May Learning Session | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 4,

Enjoyment at Work | Go to Resource

Enjoyment at Work | Go to Resource

Enjoyment at Work | Go to Resource

Enjoyment at Work Community Children’s Service | Go to Resource

Ensuring Healthcare Improvements Stick | Go to Resource

Ensuring People are Only in Hospital When They Need To Be | Go to Resource

Ensuring Psychotherapy Service Users are seen for an assessment within 11 weeks of referral | Go to Resource

Ensuring Psychotherapy Service Users are seen for an assessment within 11 weeks of referral | Go to Resource

Ensuring that clozapine has been considered (and tried and rejected) in all cases of treatment resistance and benign ethnic neutropenic patients with Schizophrenia | Go to Resource

EPCT North West Team Enjoying Work QI Project | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 2 Celebration Event,

Era 3 for Medicine and Healthcare | Go to Resource

Esprit de corps – Taking care of each other for our patients | Go to Resource

Essentials of Patient Safety | Go to Resource

Evaluating a Trust-Wide Strategy to Coordinate Trainee Clinical Psychologist Service Related Research Projects (SRRPs) within QI Methodology | Go to Resource

Evaluation forms – Pocket QI – (Bedfordshire & Luton) : Pre-Training | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Pocket QI Evaluation Forms,

Evaluation of the Relationship Skills Workshop at Stratford PTS Amelia Presman, Patrick Kuhn | Go to Resource

Every mind matters | Go to Resource

Example QI Project Role Description for Service Users and Carers | Go to Resource

Excel for IAs: Basic Moves | Go to Resource

Execution of Strategic Improvement Initiatives | Go to Resource

Executive Summary of the Mid Straffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Report | Go to Resource

Exploring Carer and Service user experiences of the Single- Jason Crabtree | Go to Resource

Falls Reduction | Go to Resource

Finding a QI Project Role | Go to Resource

First Impressions of being involved in a QI project | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: QI Project Stories,

First steps towards quality improvement – A simple guide to improving services | Go to Resource

Flexible Working | Go to Resource

Flip the Triangle: using quality improvement methods to embed a positive behaviour support approach on a medium secure forensic ward for men with intellectual disabilities | Go to Resource

Flipping Healthcare | Go to Resource

Flow Diagrams | Go to Resource

Flowcharting Guide for Understanding Demand and Capacity | Go to Resource

Force Field Analysis | Go to Resource

Forensics Admin – Changes to Working Patterns to Minimise travel and the Spread of Infection | Go to Resource

Forensics Admin Project Team – Implementation | Go to Resource

Forensics violence reduction celebration – John Howard Centre July 2018 | Go to Resource

Forget The 10,000-Hour Rule; Edison, Bezos, & Zuckerberg Follow The 10,000-Experiment Rule | Go to Resource

Forming a team | Go to Resource

Fostering an Improvement Culture: Learning from East London NHS Foundation Trust’s Improvement Journey Over 10 Years (IHI, 2024). | Go to Resource

Fothergill Ward – To improve staff satisfaction at work | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Project Posters,

Francis Report – Patients First and Foremost | Go to Resource

Francis Report Working Group – Action Plan | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: East London NHS Foundation Trust,

Frequency Plots | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Understanding the problem,

G Chart Formula | Go to Resource

Gathering Information | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Understanding the problem,

Getting Involved | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: QI Project Stories,

Getting Results at Scale | Go to Resource

Gold Standards | Go to Resource

Gold Standards Environment Project on Gardner Ward | Go to Resource

Governance for the Triple Aim: Serving the integrator role | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Create a Governance Structure,

Governance Quality Engagement Diagnostic | Go to Resource

Happy Heart Island Project- Dogs, Cogs and Dolphins | Go to Resource

Happy Henry | Go to Resource

Health Improvement Partnership of Santa Cruz County: A Triple Aim Improvement Story | Go to Resource

Healthcare Improvement Can’t Happen Without Better Management | Go to Resource

Healthcare Leadership Model | Go to Resource

Healthcare Staff Wellbeing, Burnout, and Patient Safety: A Systematic Review | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Enjoying Work,

Healthy Shelby Initiative: A Triple Aim Improvement Story | Go to Resource

Helping Leaders Blink Correctly – Part 1 | Go to Resource

Helping Leaders Blink Correctly: Part II | Go to Resource

Herzberg | Go to Resource

High Impact Leadership | Go to Resource

High Impact Leadership Model with Derek Feeley | Go to Resource

High Performance Healthcare Model – achieving Triple Aim Results in Populations | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: The Triple Aim for ELFT,

High-Impact Leadership: Improve Care, Improve the Health of Populations, and Reduce Costs | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: The Triple Aim for ELFT,

High-performing healthcare organisations: A brief introduction | Go to Resource

How a small British town used social connections to make residents happier and healthier | Go to Resource

How are board members involved? What might they offer? | Go to Resource

How do hospital boards govern for quality improvement? A mixed methods study of 15 organisations in England | Go to Resource

How is Community Health Newham involving a wider range of people in QI | Go to Resource

How much do you exercise? | Go to Resource

How to access and use the “Violence Reduction” Dashboard | Go to Resource

How to access CAMHS QI dashboard | Go to Resource

How to create a Run Chart | Go to Resource

How to create an SPC Chart | Go to Resource

How to interpret Control Charts? | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: QI Charts,

How to move beyond quality improvement projects | Go to Resource

How to Register on LifeQI | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 4,

How to trigger gratitude in ourselves and others | Go to Resource

How to Use Cisco Webex Meetings: Quick Start Guide | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Virtual Working,

How to use LifeQI for Triple Aim Projects | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: The Triple Aim for ELFT,

How to use Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts? | Go to Resource

Human Error: Models and Management | Go to Resource

I Chart Formula | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: SPC Formula Sheets,

I Like My Ward Round | Go to Resource

Identifying a Population | Go to Resource

If You Can’t Measure Performance, Can you Improve It? | Go to Resource

IHI Achieving Health Equity White Paper | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Pursuing Equity,

IHI Framework for Improving Joy In Work | Go to Resource

IHI Introduction by Derek Feeley and Maureen Bisognano | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: ELFT Talks and Interviews,

IHI Psychology of Change Framework to Advance and Sustain Improvement | Go to Resource

IHI Spread Planner | Go to Resource

IHI Summer Camp Creative Learning Workshop | Go to Resource

IHI Visit ELFT | Go to Resource

IHI What Matters to You Conversation Guide | Go to Resource

IHI’s Framework for Joy in Work with Derek Feeley | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Illustrating the Triple Aim at ELFT | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: The Triple Aim for ELFT,

Immunization Against Burnout | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work,

Impact of Organizational Leadership on Physician Burnout and Satisfaction | Go to Resource

Implementation | Go to Resource

Implementation & holding the gains | Go to Resource

Implementing DIALOG+ recovery care plans | Go to Resource

Implementing your Quality Improvement (QI) project, and setting up a Quality Control (QC) system: A summary guide | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Importance of Leadership in QI | Go to Resource

Improve Access To The Patient Booking Service | Go to Resource

Improve the quality of care, outcomes and journey for sickle cell & thalassaemia babies and children 0-5 years | Go to Resource

Improved Care Planning for Service Users | Go to Resource

Improvement Leaders’ Programme – Triple Aim session – Day 1 | Go to Resource

Improvement Tip: ‘Quality’ is Not a Department | Go to Resource

ImproveWell Insights | Go to Resource
Category: ,

ImproveWell Instructions | Go to Resource
Category: ,

ImproveWellApp features | Go to Resource

Improving Access and Flow in CAMHS | Go to Resource

Improving Access in City and Hackney Adult Mental Health | Go to Resource

Improving access to Bedford Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) | Go to Resource

Improving Access to Chronic Fatigue Service | Go to Resource

Improving access to City and Hackney adult mental health services (BMJ Open Quality) | Go to Resource

Improving access to competitive employment for service users in forensic psychiatric units (BMJ Quality) | Go to Resource

Improving Access to Genetic Testing | Go to Resource

Improving access to genetic testing for adults with intellectual disability: | Go to Resource

Improving access to Hackney Integrated Learning Disability Service | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: ELFT Published QI Projects,

Improving Access to Learning Disability Occupational Therapy Services | Go to Resource

Improving access to Learning Disability Occupational Therapy services in Beds and Luton | Go to Resource

Improving access to newham CFCS front door service (CAMHS) | Go to Resource

Improving access to Primary Care Psychological services for people over the age of 65 | Go to Resource

Improving access to services through a collaborative learning system at East London NHS Foundation Trust | Go to Resource

Improving Access to Specialty Care | Go to Resource

Improving access to Tower Hamlets CAMHS | Go to Resource

Improving Access to Tower Hamlets Early Intervention Service (THEIS) | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Improving Access and Flow,

Improving availability and accuracy of the junior doctors’ on-call handover through digitalisation | Go to Resource

Improving BAME experiences of the Stepped Care Model at 409 High Street – Navya Anand | Go to Resource

Improving Care Cluster Allocation in City & Hackney | Go to Resource

Improving Enjoyment at Work | Go to Resource

Improving Experience Of Continence Service | Go to Resource

Improving interventions for parents of children and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorders in CAMHS | Go to Resource

Improving medication self-checking on MHCOP inpatient wards | Go to Resource

Improving patient and family experience of COBORN unit services | Go to Resource

Improving Patient and Staff Experience of Ward Rounds | Go to Resource

Improving Patient Flow in Memory Clinics | Go to Resource

Improving Patient Flow in Memory Clinics | Go to Resource

Improving Patient Safety and Satisfaction with Discharge Process | Go to Resource

Improving Patient Self Management Information | Go to Resource

Improving Patients Access to Clozapine Serum Levels | Go to Resource

Improving physical health for people taking anti-psychotic medication in the Community Learning Disabilities Service (BMJ Quality) | Go to Resource

Improving physical health monitoring of AOS service users | Go to Resource

Improving Physical Health: Weight Management on Adult Inpatient Wards | Go to Resource

Improving Quality of Communication by the Council of Governors | Go to Resource

Improving quality of inpatient podiatry service | Go to Resource

Improving Quality of Referrals | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: QI Project Stories,

Improving Quality Reduces Costs – Quality as the Business Strategy | Go to Resource

Improving Recovery Care for Outpatients | Go to Resource

Improving referrals to community mental health services in the liaison setting | Go to Resource

Improving RiO recording of physical monitoring of children taking antipsychotic medication in the Community | Go to Resource

Improving Service User Experience of the Crisis Pathway | Go to Resource

Improving smoking cessation in first episode psychosis: a quality improvement project by the City & Hackney Early and Quick Intervention Psychosis (EQUIP) | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Improving Support for Informal Carers | Go to Resource

Improving Support to Informal Carers | Go to Resource

Improving Support to Informal Carers in Community Neuro Team | Go to Resource

Improving the Conversion Rate in Luton Wellbeing Service | Go to Resource

Improving the Experience of the Psychology Referral Pathway for Service Users & Team Members in the North Bedford CMHT | Go to Resource

Improving the information received by women of child bearing age about the use of psychotropic medications | Go to Resource

Improving the patient booking service to reduce the number of missed Community Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Service appointments (BMJ Quality) | Go to Resource

Improving the Physical Health Monitoring of City & Hackney Assertive outreach Service Patients (BMJ Quality) | Go to Resource

Improving the QI microsite and increasing its usage | Go to Resource

Improving the safety and efficiency of nurse medication rounds through the introduction of an automated dispensing cabinet (BMJ Quality) | Go to Resource

Improving the Satisfaction of Staff and Stakeholders in the Forensic Reception Units | Go to Resource

Improving the triaging process | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: QI Project Stories,

Improving The Waiting Room Experience | Go to Resource

Improving the Ward Round Experience for Patients and Staff | Go to Resource

Improving ward environments and developing skills for discharge with the implementation of self-catering on a low secure forensic unit (BMJ Quality) | Go to Resource

Incident Reporting and Patient Safety | Go to Resource

Increasing access to psychological therapies in City & Hackney Psychotherapy Department | Go to Resource

Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies Service | Go to Resource

Increasing access to psychological therapies within the Psychotherapy department in City and Hackney- Clare Northover | Go to Resource


Increasing carers and family participation in care planning on Sally Sherman Ward | Go to Resource

Increasing Efficiency and Enhancing Value in Health Care | Go to Resource

Increasing Enjoyment at Work | Go to Resource

Increasing monthly clinical supervision rate | Go to Resource

Increasing Smoking Cessation referrals within EQUIP | Go to Resource

Increasing staff and patient engagement with the Limehouse Ward community meeting | Go to Resource

Increasing the use of Patient Reported Experience Measures | Go to Resource

Informal Carers’ Checklist – Newham Community Neurology Team | Go to Resource

Inpatient MH analytics APP – How to guide | Go to Resource

Institute for Healthcare Improvement annual visit to ELFT – highlights | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Integrating Quality and Safety in Organisational Culture | Go to Resource

International Quality and Safety – where are we now and where are we going to? | Go to Resource

Introducing genetic testing into routine psychiatric practice – Presentation | Go to Resource

Introduction to Gemba | Go to Resource

Introduction to Teams for users | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Virtual Working,

Introductory to Enjoying Work – Cohort 5 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 5,

ISIA Team Profile Worksheet | Go to Resource
Category: ,

It’s the learning: The Real Lesson of the Quality Movement | Go to Resource

Jason Leitch – ELFT Quality Conference 2019 | Go to Resource

Jason Leitch at the ELFT 2016 QI Conference | Go to Resource

Job descriptions for Health Care Quality Improvement Professionals | Go to Resource

Joining a QI Project | Go to Resource

Journey to Perfect | Go to Resource

Joy in Work – Derek Feeley | Go to Resource

Kaiser Permanente’s Performance Improvement System, Part 4: Creating a Learning Organization | Go to Resource

Key Areas of Learning from the Francis Report | Go to Resource

Key points on Quality Improvement Methodology (City & Hackney) | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Latest Publication on How to use Quality Improvement to improving wellbeing and joy in work | Go to Resource

Leadenhall – Enjoying work QI project | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 2 Celebration Event,

Leadership and Physician Burnout | Go to Resource

Leadership Behaviour and Actions | Go to Resource

Leadership Behaviours (Yukl, 2013) | Go to Resource

Leadership by design: intentional organization development of physician leaders | Go to Resource

Leadership for Continually Improving and Compassionate Care | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Annual QI Conference 2016,

Leadership for Improvement – Dr Brian Robson | Go to Resource

Leadership message from Dr Robert Dolan and Dr Kevin Cleary | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Annual QI Conference 2016,

Leading across the health and care system | Go to Resource

Leading an ELFT QI Project | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Life QI – Guidance,

Leading through COVID-19 | Go to Resource

Learn from our Wave 2 ISIA graduates | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Training Highlights – ISIA,

Learning to use Patient Stories | Go to Resource

Leg Ulcer Project | Go to Resource

Lessons in leadership from Vijaya Nath | Go to Resource

Lessons Learned from Ghana’s Project Fives Alive | Go to Resource

Let’s Talk | Go to Resource

Let’s Talk About Sexual Health | Go to Resource

Leveraging Quality Improvement to Achieve Equity in Health Care | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Pursuing Equity,

Life QI | Go to Resource

Life QI Charts Manual | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Life QI – Guidance,

Life QI Coaching Case Study – Data | Go to Resource
Category: , , | Collection: Life QI – Guidance,

Life QI Dummy Data | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Life QI – Guidance,

Life QI Overview video | Go to Resource

Local Quality Improvement Newsletter – Template | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Communication Tools,

Logging in | Go to Resource

Looking back at our first year of QI at ELFT | Go to Resource

Low stimulus environments: reducing noise levels in continuing care (BMJ Quality) | Go to Resource

Luton Health Clinic Improves Flow for Staff and Service Users | Go to Resource

Luton violence collaborative – video | Go to Resource

Managing and Organizing your strategy for Triple Aim | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Develop a Change Theory,

Matrix Diagram | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Understanding the problem,

Measures | Go to Resource

Mental Health and Wellbeing support for our BAME communities | Go to Resource

Mental Health Tariff – Completion and Accuracy | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: QI Project Stories,

Message from Abhishek Bhartia | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Messages from Improvement Leaders,

Message from Derek Feeley | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Messages from Improvement Leaders,

Message from Derek Feeley 2016 | Go to Resource

Message from Dr Chua Hong Choon | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Messages from Improvement Leaders,

Message from Dr Jennifer Dixon | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Messages from Improvement Leaders,

Message from Jim Mackey | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Messages from Improvement Leaders,

Message from Lisa Schilling | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Messages from Improvement Leaders,

Message from Pedro Delgado | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Messages from Improvement Leaders,

Message from Robert Lloyd | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Messages from Improvement Leaders,

Microsoft Teams Quick Start Guide | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Virtual Working,

Milestones in the Quality Measurement Journey | Go to Resource

Mindfullness for Staff in Newham MHCOP | Go to Resource

Mindfulness meditation | Go to Resource

Missed Doses Project | Go to Resource

Mixed method evaluation of ELFT’s QI Programme – 2016 | Go to Resource

Model For Improvement Clip 1 | Go to Resource

Model For Improvement Clip 2 | Go to Resource

Modified Trust Induction Programme | Go to Resource

Moving from Quality Improvement and into Quality Control | Go to Resource

Multi-voting, Rank Ordering and Structured discussion | Go to Resource

Multidisciplinary rounding/briefs | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Communication Tools,

Navigating in the Turbulent Sea of Data: The Quality Measurement Journey | Go to Resource

Navina Evans – ELFT Quality Conference 2019 | Go to Resource

Newham CAMHS – Enjoying work QI Project | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 2 Celebration Event,

Newham Occupational Therapy QI Project | Go to Resource

Newham QI Forum | Go to Resource

Newham Violence Reduction Collaborative | Go to Resource

Newham Violence Reduction Collaborative | Go to Resource

NHS ‘One you’ | Go to Resource

NHS Institution for Innovation: How to incorporate measurement to guide your safety improvement | Go to Resource

Noise Reduction on Cedar Lodge (Older Adult Ward) | Go to Resource

Nominal Group Technique (City & Hackney) | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Nominal Group Technique (NGT) | Go to Resource

Nominal Group Technique and Affinity Diagrams in MS Whiteboard | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Occupational Therapy QI Project | Go to Resource

On Probability as a Basis for Action | Go to Resource

On Probability As A Basis For Action | Go to Resource

One More Time: How Do you Motivate Employees? | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Improvement Coaching Programme,

Ontario Spread Planner | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Scale-Up and Spread,

Operational Definitions for Training Stats Dashboard | Go to Resource

Optimising Flow – Learning Set One | Go to Resource

Optimising flow, demand and capacity driver diagram | Go to Resource

Optimizing a Business Case for Safe Health Care | Go to Resource

Options for Large-scale Spread of Simple, High impact Interventions: Technical Report | Go to Resource

Organisational Evidence-Based and Promising Practices for Improving Clinician Well-Being | Go to Resource

Organisational readiness | Go to Resource

Organising For Quality | Go to Resource

P Chart Formula | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: SPC Formula Sheets,

P’ Chart Formula | Go to Resource

Paper Light on Rosebank Ward | Go to Resource

Pareto Chart | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Understanding the problem,

Participation in reducing health inequalities | Go to Resource

Partnering with Physicians | Go to Resource

Patient Innovators | Go to Resource

Patient Safety First | Go to Resource

PDSA Template | Go to Resource

People Powered Health Co-Production Catalogue | Go to Resource

Perceptions of Accessibility of 409 Psychotherapy Services among Local Teams- Hannah Frenken | Go to Resource

Perfectly designed. Building Capability and Leadership for a sustainable future | Go to Resource

Perspectives on Context | Go to Resource

Physician-Organization Collaboration Reduces Physician Burnout and Promotes Engagement: The Mayo Clinic Experience | Go to Resource

Playbook for Remote Working | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Virtual Working,

Plotting basic control charts: tutorial notes for healthcare practitioners | Go to Resource

Power Apps – Masterclass | Go to Resource

Practice-Based Learning and Improvement: A Clinical Improvement Action Guide | Go to Resource

Premier of We’re Quality Improving! | Go to Resource

PREMs, PROMs & FFT surveys | Go to Resource

Prison Transfer Times | Go to Resource

Professor Jason Leitch visits ELFT | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Messages from Improvement Leaders,

Profound Knowledge Worksheet​ | Go to Resource

Progression of QI projects (City & Hackney) | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Project Ideas Tested | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Testing Changes,

Project Readiness Radar | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Project story: Improving satisfaction of staff and stakeholders in forensic receptions | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: QI Project Stories,

Provocation Tools | Go to Resource

Psychological Medicine in Bart’s: improving access and awareness (BMJ Quality) | Go to Resource

Psychology Group Attendance Project | Go to Resource

Pulse Survey Template | Go to Resource

Pursuing Equity ​Programme Session One | Go to Resource

Pursuing the Triple Aim | Go to Resource

Putting improvement in everyone’s hands: opening up healthcare improvement by simplifying, supporting and refocusing on core purpose | Go to Resource

QI Celebration in Bedfordshire & Luton – 22 May 2018 | Go to Resource

QI chart Tutorial – creating an i-chart | Go to Resource

QI Christmas Crossword 2016 | Go to Resource

QI Christmas Cryptic Crossword | Go to Resource

QI Coaches | Go to Resource

QI Comms Charter | Go to Resource

QI Communications and Microsite | Go to Resource

QI Connect | Go to Resource

QI evaluation newsletter – 2015 | Go to Resource

QI Games and Training Exercises | Go to Resource

QI in City and Hackney – Practical Guidance for Staff | Go to Resource
Category: ,

QI Life Launch | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter – August 2017 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter – July 2017 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Improving Access and Flow,

QI Newsletter – September 2017 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- April 2015 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- April 2016 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- April 2017 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- August 2015 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- August 2016 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- Christmas 2016 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- December 2014 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- February 2015 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- February 2016 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- February 2017 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- January 2015 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- January 2016 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- January 2017 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- July 2015 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- July 2016 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- June 2015 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- June 2016 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- June 2017 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- March 2014 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- March 2015 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- March 2016 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- May 2014 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- May 2016 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- May 2017 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- November 2014 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- November 2015 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- November 2016 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- October 2014 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- October 2015 | Go to Resource

QI Newsletter- September 2015 | Go to Resource

QI newsletter- September 2016 | Go to Resource

QI Programme Introduction | Go to Resource

QI Project for Referrals to Community Therapies | Go to Resource

QI project team meeting role play 1 | Go to Resource

QI project team meeting role play 2 | Go to Resource

QI Roles and Responsibilities in Newham | Go to Resource

QI Service User and Carer Involvement at ELFT | Go to Resource

QI Sponsors | Go to Resource

QI vs Research | Go to Resource

QI Wave 4 – Learning Set 2 – Dan Berry from NHS England joins us to talk about Behavioural insights | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: ELFT Talks and Interviews,

Quality Assurance Enjoying Work Project | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 2 Celebration Event,

Quality Assurance Team – Joy At Work | Go to Resource

Quality at East London NHS Foundation Trust | Go to Resource

Quality Compliance and Performance – Improve Experience from Working from Home | Go to Resource

Quality Conference 2018 | Go to Resource

Quality Conference 2018 – Dr Navina Evans | Go to Resource

Quality Conference 2018 – Leadership for Improvement | Go to Resource

Quality Conference 2018 – Research and Improvement | Go to Resource

Quality Conference 2018 – Service User & Carer Involvement | Go to Resource

Quality Conference 2018 Keynote – Dr Jennifer Dixon | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: 2018 Quality Conference,

Quality Conference 2019 | Go to Resource

Quality Conference Keynote – Dr Jennifer Dixon | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: 2018 Quality Conference,

Quality Dashboard | Go to Resource

Quality Function Deployment | Go to Resource

Quality impact assessment for service change during Covid-19 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Virtual Working,

Quality improvement at East London NHS Foundation Trust: the pathway to embedding lasting change | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: ELFT Published QI Projects,

Quality Improvement for Non-Clinical Teams | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: ELFT Published QI Projects,

Quality improvement for psychiatrists | Go to Resource

Quality improvement in forensic mental health: the East London forensic violence reduction collaborative | Go to Resource

Quality improvement in forensic mental health: the East London forensic violence reduction collaborative | Go to Resource

Quality Improvement in Healthcare – Dr Mike Evans | Go to Resource

Quality Improvement in Mental Health | Go to Resource

Quality improvement in practice—part two: applying the joy in work framework to healthcare | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work,

Quality Improvement in Practice: Lessons from mental health | Go to Resource

Quality Improvement: Theory and Practice in Healthcare | Go to Resource

Quality Quarters – PDSA | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Improvement Science in Action,

Quality, Cost and Value – The business case for QI | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Value,

Quick Guide to our quality management system at ELFT | Go to Resource

Raising Referrers’ Understanding of Psychological Therapies Referral Criteria and Process Using a Psycho-Education Leaflet | Go to Resource

Raising the understanding of the Psychology referral criteria and processes using a group psycho-education model | Go to Resource

Recording, Recognising & Responding to Physical Health | Go to Resource

Recovery Plan Template | Go to Resource

Recruitment Timeline | Go to Resource

Recruitment Timeline | Go to Resource

Reduce Checking Errors leaving the dispensary | Go to Resource

Reducing attrition rate from referral into treatment at Reset | Go to Resource

Reducing bed occupancy and length of stay on a functional older adults’ psychiatric ward (BMJ Quality) | Go to Resource

Reducing Bed Occupancy and Length of Stay on an Older Adult Functional Ward | Go to Resource

Reducing Bed Occupancy and Length of Stay on Ivory ward | Go to Resource

Reducing DNA Rates and Increasing Positive Contacts in an Outpatient Chronic Fatigue Service | Go to Resource

Reducing DNA Rates for Community and Outpatient Appointments | Go to Resource

Reducing First Appointment Waiting Times in City & Hackney | Go to Resource

Reducing Handcuff Usage in Medium Secure Unit | Go to Resource

Reducing Inappropriate Referrals to PTS Katie Ireland | Go to Resource

Reducing incidents of physical aggression on the Coborn PICU | Go to Resource

Reducing Incidents of Pressure Ulcers | Go to Resource


Reducing Length of Stay | Go to Resource

Reducing physical violence and developing a safety culture across wards in East London | Go to Resource

Reducing Physical Violence on the Globe Ward | Go to Resource

Reducing Re-Admissions under the MHA in Males of Black Ethnicity in EI Service | Go to Resource

Reducing re-admissions under the MHA in males of black ethnicity in EI service | Go to Resource


Reducing Restraints on West Ferry Ward – John Howard Centre | Go to Resource

Reducing Restrictive Practice on Jade PICU Ward | Go to Resource

Reducing the length of Time it Takes to Complete the Disciplinary Process | Go to Resource

Reducing the rate of undocumented medication doses in City and Hackney Home Treatment Team | Go to Resource

Reducing the time it takes to complete the disciplinary process | Go to Resource

Reducing the waiting times in the Luton Memory Assessment Service | Go to Resource

Reducing Time to Complete Neuropsychological Assessments in MAS | Go to Resource

Reducing time to complete neuropsychological assessments within a memory assessment service and evaluating the wider impact | Go to Resource

Reducing Unscheduled Call Outs for Blocked Catheters | Go to Resource

Reducing variation in leg ulcer assessment and management using quality improvement methods | Go to Resource

Reducing variation in leg ulcer assessment and management using quality improvement methods | Go to Resource

Reducing Wait Time for First Contact with Psychology in Luton | Go to Resource

Reducing wait time for first contact with psychology in Luton CMHT’s | Go to Resource

Reducing Wait Times | Go to Resource

Reduction in Delayed Discharges in Bedfordshire (EIP) | Go to Resource

Reduction in disturbances to the Nurse during medication rounds on Cazaubon Ward | Go to Resource

Register a new ELFT QI Project on Life QI | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Life QI – Guidance,

Register an ELFT QI project on Life QI | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Cohort 4,

Registering for an account with ImproveWell | Go to Resource

Registering on Life QI | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Life QI – Guidance,

Rehab and Recovery Team City and Hackney – To increase the numbers of good weeks reported by staff | Go to Resource

Reinventing Healthcare Delivery | Go to Resource

Report cards or instrument panels: who needs what? | Go to Resource

Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust | Go to Resource

Reshaping Community Services | Go to Resource

Reshaping Community Services in Wardown CMHT | Go to Resource

Resources for Creativity | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Creativity and QI,

Restoring joy in work and preventing burnout: an IHI framework for joy | Go to Resource

Restoring Joy in Work for the Healthcare Workforce | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Enjoying Work,

Revenge of The Right Brain | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Improvement Coaching Programme,

Revitalising The Luton QI Forum | Go to Resource

Richmond Wellbeing Service Access Strategy for Older Adults (BMJ Quality) | Go to Resource

Richmond Wellbeing Service- To improve staff wellbeing and make them feel more valued | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Project Posters,

Right Services At The Right Time At The Right Place | Go to Resource

Risk and Governance Department – To bring the team together and help them feel appreciated | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Project Posters,

Robert Lloyd passes on his congratulations to our Wave 2 ISIA graduates | Go to Resource

Role Description – QI Team Service User/Carer Communications Assistant | Go to Resource

Role of peer support workers in improving patient experience (BMJ Quality) | Go to Resource

Roles & Responsibilities (City & Hackney) | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Run Charts | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Testing,

Safer healthCare | Go to Resource

Safer Wards: Reducing Violence on Older Peoples Mental Health Wards (BMJ Quality) | Go to Resource

Safety Briefs | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Communication Tools,

Safety Huddle Implementation | Go to Resource

Safety Huddles | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: QI Project Stories,

Sampling Approaches Summary Sheet | Go to Resource

SBAR – Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Communication Tools,

SBAR Technique for Communication: A Situational Briefing Model | Go to Resource

Scale Up & Spread (QI Conference 2017 breakout session) | Go to Resource

Scatter Plot | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Understanding the problem,

Self catering on Woodberry Ward | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: QI Project Stories,

Self Management of Insulin | Go to Resource

Send us your QI story | Go to Resource

Service User & Carer Involvement (City & Hackney) | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Service User & Carer Involvement (QI Conference 2017 breakout session) | Go to Resource

Service User and Carer involvement in QI | Go to Resource

Service User and Carer Involvement in QI Projects | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: QI Project Stories,

Service User and Carer QI role descriptions | Go to Resource

Service User Involvement | Go to Resource

Service user ownership: lifestyle improvement project on Woodberry Ward | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: QI Project Stories,

Setting up a WebEx account at ELFT | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Virtual Working,

Seven Propositions of the Science Of Improvement: Exploring Foundations | Go to Resource

Seven Spreadly Sins | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Scale-Up and Spread,

Sexual Safety for Patients and Staff | Go to Resource

Shaping our future | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Virtual Working,

Share your Improvement Story! | Go to Resource

Sharing improvement ideas on the ImproveWell App | Go to Resource

Sharing your Triple Aim work at ELFT | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Testing Changes,

Shewhart and The Probability Approach | Go to Resource

Shewhart Chart Selection Guide | Go to Resource

Shewhart Control Chart Selection Flowchart | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Improving Access and Flow, QI Charts,

Shewhart’s Forgotten Lessons | Go to Resource

Signature Health: A Triple Aim Improvement Story | Go to Resource

Simplifying the Selection and Use of Shewhart Charts: Worksheets | Go to Resource

Social togetherness, physical distancing | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Virtual Working,

SPC Software in ELFT | Go to Resource
Category: , ,

Specialist Child and Young People’s Services (SCYPS) – To spread the joy | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Project Posters,

Sponsoring an ELFT QI Project | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Life QI – Guidance,

SQUIRE template for BMJ Quality Report submission | Go to Resource

Stacey Hemmings QI project interview | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: QI Project Stories,

Stakeholder Mapping Tool | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Create a Governance Structure,

Standard Guidance for Engagement and Observation Change Ideas | Go to Resource

Starting a QI Project (City & Hackney) | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Statistical Process Control | Go to Resource

Statistical Process Control as a Tool for Research and Healthcare Improvement | Go to Resource

Step 1 – Identify a quality issue | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Starting a QI Project,

Step 2 – Share your idea | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Starting a QI Project,

Step 3 – Finalise the project charter | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Starting a QI Project,

Step 4 – Submit your project on Life QI | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Starting a QI Project,

Stephen Swensen Papers | Go to Resource

Stockwood CMHT Away Day | Go to Resource

Stop the monster days | Go to Resource

Stopping work of lower value – where are we now? | Go to Resource

Story Template | Go to Resource

Structure + Process + Culture = Outcome | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: 2018 Quality Conference,

Submit new QI project | Go to Resource

Submitting your Good Day Measure on the ImproveWell App | Go to Resource

Successes and lessons from the first year of the QI Programme | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: East London NHS Foundation Trust,

Successes and lessons from the first year of the QI Programme – 2015 | Go to Resource

Successful QI huddle | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Successfully implementing quality improvement in a healthcare organisation | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: East London NHS Foundation Trust,

Sustaining Improvement | Go to Resource

T Chart Formula | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: SPC Formula Sheets,

Tackling DNAs in the Community Sexual and Reproductive Health Department | Go to Resource

Tackling the wider social determinants of health and health inequalities evidence from systematic reviews | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Pursuing Equity,

Taking an organisational approach to Quality Improvement | Go to Resource

Tapping the power of emergent change | Go to Resource

Team Profile Document | Go to Resource

Teams Video Tutorials | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Virtual Working,

Template for Triple Aim Measures – the ELFT model | Go to Resource

Temporal pacing of outcomes for improving patient flow: Design science research in a National Health Service hospital | Go to Resource

Ten Tips for Incorporating Scientific Quality Improvement into Everyday Work | Go to Resource

Test Resource | Go to Resource

The Berwick Report – A Promise to Learn – a commitment to act | Go to Resource

The Berwick Report- Key Learning for ELFT | Go to Resource

The best and worst leaders I have worked with – Word Clouds | Go to Resource

The Bridge Club | Go to Resource

The Bridge Club Wolfson House Low Secure Forensic Unit | Go to Resource

The Business Case for Health-Care Quality Improvement | Go to Resource

The Challenges of COVID-19 and Diabetes | Go to Resource

The Community Mapping Tool | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Identifying Assets and Needs,

The Deep Dive | Go to Resource

The ELFT Guide to Improving Demand, Capacity, Backlogs and Waiting Times | Go to Resource

The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care | Go to Resource

The Fast Discovery | Go to Resource

The Foundations of quality improvement science | Go to Resource

The free mindfulness project | Go to Resource

The going home checklist (non branded) | Go to Resource

The Handy Approach – Quick Integrated Person Centred Support Preparation | Go to Resource

The Highland way: what can we learn from the Scottish NHS? | Go to Resource

The Importance of Concepts in Creativity and Improvement | Go to Resource

The improvement journey | Go to Resource

The medical director’s role: a guide for aspiring medical leaders | Go to Resource

The Model for Improvement | Go to Resource

The Model for Understanding Success in Quality | Go to Resource

The Model for Understanding Success in Quality (MUSIQ) | Go to Resource

The Patient Experience Book | Go to Resource

The Potential of Learning Healthcare Systems | Go to Resource

The Power of Public Narrative in Driving Change | Go to Resource

The Problem with Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles | Go to Resource

The Project Team (City & Hackney) | Go to Resource
Category: ,

The QI Forum (City & Hackney) | Go to Resource
Category: ,

The Quintuple Aim for Health Care Improvement | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Pursuing Equity,

The Remote Work Survival Kit | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Virtual Working,

The role of Occupational Therapy in Quality Improvement and transforming catering services in Forensics | Go to Resource

The roles of leaders in high-performing health care systems | Go to Resource

The run chart: a simple analytical tool for learning from variation in healthcare processes | Go to Resource

The Science & Power of storytelling | Go to Resource

The Science of Improvement | Go to Resource

The Seven Steps | Go to Resource

The Simple Leader: Plan, Do, Study, Adjust | Go to Resource

The Spread and Sustainability of QI in Healthcare | Go to Resource

The Strategy That Will Fix Health Care | Go to Resource

The Three Faces of Performance Measurement | Go to Resource

The Triple Aim Journey: Improving Population Health and Patients’ Experience of Care, While Reducing Costs | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: The Triple Aim for ELFT,

The Use of Control Charts in Health-Care and Public Health Surveillance | Go to Resource

The Use of Control Charts in Health-Care and Public-Health Surveillance | Go to Resource

The use of process mapping in healthcare quality improvement projects | Go to Resource
Category: ,

The Violence Reduction Collaborative | Go to Resource

THF Storytelling | Go to Resource

Thinking about loneliness at East London Foundation Trust – Michael Keating | Go to Resource

Thinking Differently | Go to Resource

Three challenges for clinical leaders in 2016 | Go to Resource

Three curves and seven stories | Go to Resource

Three Part Data Review | Go to Resource

Tips and Tricks for Getting Started with QI | Go to Resource

To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System | Go to Resource

To improve the communication between a community mental health team and its service users, their families and carers | Go to Resource

To Reduce Unmet Leave Due to Staff Unavailability | Go to Resource

To review care leavers passport to improve uptake | Go to Resource

Tower Hamlet Community Learning Disability Service (CLDS) – To improve the work environment in order to provide the best care | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Enjoying Work Project Posters,

Tower Hamlets Home Treatment Team HTDS Project | Go to Resource


Transdiagnostic Sleep Workshop in Secondary Care | Go to Resource

Tree Diagram | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Understanding the problem,

Triple Aim Learning Set 1 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: The Triple Aim for ELFT,

Tufte’s Design Principles | Go to Resource

Turn a Good Idea Into a Great One With the ‘Six Thinking Hats’ | Go to Resource

Turn around Times and Quality Improvement of 48 hour Reports | Go to Resource

U Chart | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: SPC Formula Sheets,

U’ Chart | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: SPC Formula Sheets,

Understanding Quality Management – Demonstrated through Peter Cai’s weight lost journey | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Chart Animations,

Understanding Variation | Go to Resource

Understanding Variation with Run Charts | Go to Resource

Understanding Variation with Shewhart Charts | Go to Resource

Using a Framework for Spread: The Case of Patient Access in the Veterans Health Administration | Go to Resource

Using Communications Approaches to Spread Improvement | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Scale-Up and Spread,

Using data for improvement | Go to Resource

Using league tables to reduce missed dose medication errors on mental healthcare of older people wards (BMJ Quality) | Go to Resource

Using Patient Stories with Boards | Go to Resource

Using Quality Improvement to deliver a systematic organisational approach to enjoying work in healthcare | Go to Resource

Using quality improvement to pursue equity: lessons from healthcare | Go to Resource

Using quality improvement to tackle the triple aim for children and young people with asthma: improving outcomes, experience and costs | Go to Resource

Using rising tides to lift all boats Equity-focused quality improvement as a tool to reduce neonatal health disparities | Go to Resource
Category: , | Collection: Pursuing Equity,

Using statistical process control to improve the quality of health care | Go to Resource

Using the Analytics area of Life QI | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Life QI – Guidance,

Value – What is it? Why does it matter? And Where can it be seen across the Trust? | Go to Resource

Value Creation Systems | Go to Resource

Violence Reduction Collaborative Stories | Go to Resource

Violence reduction on older adult mental health wards | Go to Resource

Visual Management in Quality Control | Go to Resource

Wave 1 Improvement Science in Action | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Training Highlights – ISIA,

We Are ELFT | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: ELFT Talks and Interviews,

We’re Quality Improving! | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Annual QI Conference 2016,

Weekly payment form for service users and carers | Go to Resource

Welcome Message from Marie Gabriel and Mary Elford | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Annual QI Conference 2016,

Welcome to East London Foundation Trust | Go to Resource

Welcome to the 2017 QI Conference | Go to Resource

What does quality mean to you? | Go to Resource

What if you take a complex Clinical Challenge to the Community? | Go to Resource

What is clinical leadership…and why is it important? | Go to Resource

What is co-production? | Go to Resource

What is Microsoft Teams? | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Virtual Working,

What is next for QI at ELFT | Go to Resource

What is QI? (City & Hackney) | Go to Resource
Category: ,

What three things would you love every board member to understand? | Go to Resource

What we know about designing an effective improvement intervention (but too often fail to put into practice) | Go to Resource

What were the key ingredients for enabling QI work in Forensics? | Go to Resource

What’s coming next? (2017 QI Conference) | Go to Resource

What’s Your Theory? | Go to Resource

When to use QI | Go to Resource

Which Triple Aim related measures are being used to evaluate population management initiatives? | Go to Resource

Whiteboard Control Charts 1 | Go to Resource

Whiteboard Control Charts 2 | Go to Resource

Whiteboard Divergent & Convergent Thinking Part 1 | Go to Resource

Whiteboard Divergent & Convergent Thinking Part 2 | Go to Resource

Whiteboard Driver Diagrams | Go to Resource

Whiteboard Family of Measures | Go to Resource

Whiteboard Flow Chart 2 | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Improving Access and Flow,

Whiteboard Flowchart | Go to Resource

Whiteboard Force Field Analysis | Go to Resource

Whiteboard Pareto Analysis | Go to Resource

Whiteboard Run Chart 1 | Go to Resource

Whiteboard Run Chart 2 | Go to Resource

Whiteboard Static vs Dynamic Data | Go to Resource

Whiteboard The PDSA Cycle Part 1 | Go to Resource

Whiteboard The PDSA Cycle Part 2 | Go to Resource

Why Projects Fail | Go to Resource

Wicked Problems and Social Complexity | Go to Resource

Women’s Health Questionnaire | Go to Resource

Womens Health Care Plan Improvement Project | Go to Resource

Woodberry Ward Lifestyle Improvement Project | Go to Resource

Working Styles Characteristics | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Working Styles Questionnaire | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Working Styles Tips | Go to Resource
Category: ,

Working Together on the Triple Aim at ELFT | Go to Resource

Working Well Handy Guide | Go to Resource

Working with Police to Improve Safety for All on Our Wards | Go to Resource

X-Bar and S Chart | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: SPC Formula Sheets,

Your Coaching Is Only as Good as Your Follow-up Skills | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Improvement Coaching Programme,

Your mind plan | Go to Resource

Zoom – How to set up an account | Go to Resource
Category: | Collection: Virtual Working,

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